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While she listened for Abel's response, her long embroidery needle remained suspended over the toe of the slipper, where it gleamed in the lamp light. "I don't know," replied Abel, and Blossom drew a repressed sigh of relief; "I've just ordered him to keep clear of our land, if that's what you're hintin' at."

Kendrick pretty well, don't she, ma'am?" Thankful regarded her maidservant with disapproval. "What makes you say that, Imogene?" she demanded. "Of course she likes him. Why shouldn't she?" "She should, ma'am. And she does, too. And he likes her; that's plain enough." "Imogene, what are you hintin' at? Do you mean that my cousin is in in love with Mr. John Kendrick?" "No'm.

And I do know that the supper afterwards wuz, although well I know the impoliteness of my even hintin' at it I do know, and I should lie if I said that I didn't know it, that that supper wuz a good one as good a one, so fur as my knowledge goes, as wuz ever put on a table in the town of Lyme, or the village of Jonesville. And Josiah Allen, he eat too much fur, fur too much.

After he had gone Martha came to the sitting room, where her lodger was reading the paper, and, closing the door behind her, said: "Mr. Bangs, I guess I was right, after all. Raish Pulcifer WAS hintin' at buyin' my Wellmouth Development stock." Galusha dropped the paper in his lap. "Oh, dear! I I mean, dear me!" he observed. "Yes, I guess there isn't much doubt of it.

"There ye go agin, always a flingin' at me," retorted Dick, rudely. "How's a feller to git on in the world when his own mother's always down on him?" "You know I'm not down on you, Dick," replied his mother, tearfully. "You're always a hintin' nowdays, anyhow," muttered Dick, as he reached over and helped himself to the biggest sausage in the dish. Mrs.

He was born in South Harniss and followed the sea until 1871, when he founded the firm of Hall and Company, which was for some years the leading dealer in fresh and salt fish in this section of the state. When the firm "I say, Perce! 'Twouldn't do to say Marcellus failed in business, would it? Might seem like hintin' at that stuff about his sister and the rest of it.

"Who said anything about any fellers leavin' me booze?" he evaded sharply. "If it's a drink you're hintin' for, you won't get it. Casey Ryan ain't no booze peddler, an' now's as good a time as any to let that soak into your system." Mack Nolan's gray eyes were still watching Casey with a steadfastness that was disconcerting to a man in Casey's dilemma.

He lowered his voice a very little and asked, casually: "Still holding on to your two hundred and fifty shares, are you?" "Why, that was what you told me to do, wasn't it?" "Yes, yes. I believe it was. Humph! Just so, yes. So you've still got those shares?" Martha smiled. "I haven't sold 'em to Raish Pulcifer, if that's what you're hintin' at," she said. He seemed a bit embarrassed.

And you landlubbers are a-goin' to leeward, some on ye." "You don't say! what be you a hintin' at?" "Well, there's a reel blow down to Bostin, Zekle; there's no more gettin' out o' harbour with our old sloop; she's ben an' gone, an' got some 'tarnal lawyer's job spliced to her bows, an' she's laid up to dry; but that's a pesky small part o' judgment.

The housekeeper pets him, calls him Mr., asks him if he has heard from Sir Philip lately, hintin' that he is of gentle blood, only the wrong side of the blanket, and that pleases him. They are both well to do in the world.