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It's an unremunerative business. What's our chance o' salvage, Dandie? "He laughed till he choked. 'Tak' what I gie you, McPhee, an' be content, he said. 'Lord, how a man wastes time when he gets old. Get aboard the Kite, mon, as soon as ye can. I've clean forgot there's a Baltic charter yammerin' for you at London. That'll be your last voyage, I'm thinkin', excep' by way o' pleasure.

It was understood that he was to do his best for us, and there was curiosity in the kirkyard. "Whatna like man is that English veesitor ye've got, Hillocks? a' hear he's fleein' ower the Glen, yammerin' and haverin' like a starlin'."

Soomtimes 'twere like t' yowlin' o' t' wind i' t' chimley, an' soomtimes 'twere like t' yammerin' o' tewits an' curlews on t' moor. But when t' squirrels heerd t' tune, they gat theirsens into line alang t' boughs, an' there were happen twelve squirrels on ivery bough. Then they gat agate o' lowpin'; they lowped frae tree to tree, reet round t' dub, wi' their tails set straight out behind 'em.

A few dogs greeted me and then Tip, calmly smoking as though it were my usual time to be about of a morning. "You are going over the mountain, Tip?" said I. "Yes," he answered, throwing open the gate. "This is the last Six Stars will see of me. I'm done. The missus was a-yammerin' and a-yammerin' all day yesterday. If it wasn't this, it was that she was yammerin' about. Says I, 'I'm done.

There's a muckle ship gaun ashore on the reef, and the puir folks are a' yammerin' and ca'in' for help and I doobt they'll a' be drooned. Oh, Maister M'Vittie, come doun!" "Hold your tongue, you hag!" I shouted back in a passion. "What is it to you whether they are drowned or not? Get back to your bed and leave me alone." I turned in again and drew the blankets over me.

As they passed it, a blackbird rose up screaming, and a brace of wood-pigeons winged noisily away. "Hullo! hark to the yammerin'!" muttered Jim, stopping; "and at this time o' night too!" Some rabbits, playing in the moonlight on the outskirts of the wood, sat up, listened, and hopped back into security. At the same moment a big hill-fox slunk out of the covert.

My leddy was as thin and as white as a ghaist, and many's the time as I've come on her and found her yammerin' and greetin' all by hersel'. I've watched her walkin' up and doon in the wood where she thought nane could see her and wringin' her honds like one demented.

"'Is the sow flitted? cries the carle; 'Gie me an answer, short and plain Is the sow flitted, yammerin' wean?" To which the answer is "'The sow, deil tak her, 's ower the water, And at her back the Crawfords clatter; The Carrick couts are cowed and bitted." Hereupon the laird's exultation breaks forth, "'My thumb for Jock the sow's flitted!"

Thy braw chiel 'ul tryste wi' th' hangman soon, I wat. And Angus he was fair mad, I can tell ye, and he said to Wilson, 'Thoo stammerin' and yammerin' taistrel, thoo; I'll pluck a lock of thy threep. Bring the warrant, wilt thoo? Thoo savvorless and sodden clod-heed! I'll whip thee with the taws. Slipe, I say, while thoo's weel slipe!"

I'm sorry, says I, 'but I'm done. At the first peek of day I starts over the mountain. This is as fur as I've got. You've kep' me waitin'." "Me I've kept you waiting?" I cried. "Do you think I'm going over the mountain, too?" "No," said Tip, with a grim chuckle. "You ain't married. You've nothin' to run from, 'less you've been yammerin' at yourself; then the mountain won't do you no good.