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It was understood that he was to do his best for us, and there was curiosity in the kirkyard. "Whatna like man is that English veesitor ye've got, Hillocks? a' hear he's fleein' ower the Glen, yammerin' and haverin' like a starlin'."

"The yerl an my leddy sat doon to brak their fast no freely i' the same humour, the twa o' them, as ye may weel believe. Whan they war aboot half throu', wha sud come stridin' in, some dour an' ill pleased like, but the prence himsel'! Baith yerl an' leddy startit up: 'at they sud hae sitten doon till a meal ohn even adverteest their veesitor that sic was their purpose!

An instant Santos stood, his back to me, his fingers working, his neck brown with blood; then his coat went into creases across the shoulders, and he was shrugging still as he turned away. "Your veesitor!" said he. "Your veesitor! Your veesitor!"

"There wes naething wrang wi' the text," affords an excellent way of escape, and it is open to suggest efficiency in another department than the pulpit. "Mister MacWheep michtna be a special preacher, but there 's nae doot he wes a graund veesitor."

Oh yes, all these bairnies knew that, and the fragment of it that was still to be seen outside and above the Grassmarket, with its sentry tower by the old west port. "Gin a fey king or ither grand veesitor cam', the Laird Provost an' the maigestrates gied 'im the keys so he could gang in an' oot at 'is pleesure.

A bonny-like thing it wad be if the maister cam' hame and foun' the Macfarlanes wer oot on the ran-dan and had picked ye oot o' Doom like a wulk oot o' its shell. It wisna like as if ye were ane o' the ordinar garrison, ye ken; ye were jist a kin' o' veesitor " "And it was I they were after," said Count Victor, "which surely gave me some natural interest in the defence."

"I would like to see her, if she's well enough," said Mr. McGillivray. "Weel, sir, I wouldna' like to say she's nae fit to see a veesitor but ye ken, sir " "You mean she's not well enough to see me." "Weel, it's this wye, Mr. McGillivray," answered Adam, lowering his voice; "I'm nae ohjectin' mysel', sin she askit me to let ye come; but the ithers is awfu' set again' it.

Agnes had orders not to answer the door until her mistress had keeked through the window. "She's expecting a veesitor, methinks," said Corp. This was his bright day. "Ay," answered Agnes, "but is't a man-body, or just a woman-body?" Leaving the rebels in the Lair stunned by Victoria's latest move, we now return to Thrums, where Miss Ailie's excited state had indeed been the talk of many.