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Thy braw chiel 'ul tryste wi' th' hangman soon, I wat. And Angus he was fair mad, I can tell ye, and he said to Wilson, 'Thoo stammerin' and yammerin' taistrel, thoo; I'll pluck a lock of thy threep. Bring the warrant, wilt thoo? Thoo savvorless and sodden clod-heed! I'll whip thee with the taws. Slipe, I say, while thoo's weel slipe!"

"Fact," sais I; "now if you look long and often at a man that winks, it sets you a winkin'. If you see a fellow with a twitch in his face, you feel your cheek doin' the same, and stammerin' is catching too. Now I caught that habit at court, since I came to Europe.

She had the old man's trunk open, and was rummaging among some papers at the bottom of it." "Did you go in to her?" "I was afeart of the woman, Ralph; but I did go in, dotherin' and stammerin'." "What did she say?" "She was looking close at a paper as I came upon her.

"Git on wi' it, ye stammerin' stirk!" cried M'Adam. "Why?" "Becos Owd Bob'll not rin." Tammas sat back in his chair. "What!" screamed the little man, thrusting forward. "What's that!" yelled Long Kirby, leaping to his feet. "Mon, say it agin!" shouted Rob. "What's owd addled eggs tellin'?" cried Liz Burton. "Dang his 'ead for him!" shouts Tupper. "Fill his eye!" says Ned Hoppin.

Oh, you can't miss Jackson when once you've set eyes on him a little chap with a face like a rabbit and a 'pediment in his speech." "Hey?" said Uncle Issy sharply. "What? A stammerin' little slip of a chap in a moleskin waistcoat?" "That's the man. Leastways I never see'd him wear a moleskin waistcoat, 'xcept on Sundays." "But it was Sunday!" "Hey?" "Oh, tell me tell me, that's dear souls!