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"I don't want to go back to what's past, eitha," she reasoned, without gainsaying him. She stopped again, as if that were all, and he asked, "Then is that my answer?" "I don't believe that even in the otha wo'ld we shall want to go back to the past, much, do you?" she pursued, thoughtfully. Once Gregory would have answered confidently; he even now checked an impulse to do so.

Must I die befo'e you can find out that there is such a thing as talkin', and such anotha thing as doin'? You wouldn't get yourself into half as many scrapes if you talked more and done less, in this wo'ld." Lander rose. "Wait! Hold on! What are you going to say to the pooa thing? She'll be so disappointed!"

Bennam about it, and he didn't tell me not to that I shouldn't have staid, no not for anything in the wo'ld. I had to do what I did at the time, but eva since it has seemed as if I had deceived you, and I don't want to have it seem so any longer. It isn't because I don't hate to tell you; I do; but I guess if it was to happen over again I couldn't feel any different.

"She's the best gul in the wo'ld, and she won't be one of the poorest; and I shall feel that I'm doin' just what Mr. Landa would have wanted I should. He picked her out himself, moa than three yea's ago, when we was drivin' past her house at Middlemount, and it was to humor him afta he was gone, moa than anything else, that I took her. Well, she wa'n't so very easy to git, either, I can tell you."

Milray means what she says, at the time, but she is one that seems to forget." "She thinks the wo'ld of you," Mrs. Lander urged. "She was very nice to me that summer at Middlemount. I guess maybe she would like to have us go with her," the girl relented. "I guess we'll wait and see," said Mrs. Lander. "I shouldn't want she should change her mind when it was too late, as you say."

Even when the world, in return for our making it our whole life, disappoints and defeats us with its prizes, we still question the truth of those who question the value of these prizes; we think they must be hopeless of them, or must be governed by some interest momentarily superior. Clementina pursued, "I know that you have had all you wanted of the wo'ld "

It was undastood that everything was to be in the rent, and his two old chaias went to pieces of themselves when we tried to pull 'em out from the wall; and I'll neva pay for 'em in the wo'ld." "Why," the vice-consul pleaded, "it's only about forty francs for the whole thing " "I don't care if it's only fotty cents. And I must say, Mr.

"Let's get away from here," I suggested. He fished out a coin, showed it to me, waved his arm in the air and opened an empty palm for my inspection. "Ah sho would like to, cunnel, but Ahve got to covah thisyeah sto'y even if it's out of this mizzble wo'ld." "I'm sure I can give you details to bring it down to earth," I told him. "Make it a story your editor will be glad to have."

Miss Milray did not know quite what she intended, but she knew that Clementina was feeling her way to something she wanted to say, and she let her alone. "When it was all over, and I knew that as long as I lived he would be somewhere else, I tried to be paht of the wo'ld I was left in. Do you think that was right?"

Yes, I should like to go home, and they would be glad to have me. You can't think how pleasantly we live; and we're company enough for each other. I presume I should miss the things I've got used to ova here, at fust; but I don't believe I should care a great while. I don't deny but what the wo'ld is nice; but you have to pay for it; I don't mean that you would make me " "No, no!