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Don't you know that a man shot in the leg with a .45 can bleed to death without half trying?" "Yo'-all do like de Cunnel says, 'r foh Gawd, yo'-all gwine wish yo' had," Sergeant Williamson said, entering the room. "Git a move on." He stood just inside the doorway, holding a silver-banded malacca walking-stick that he had taken from the hall-stand.

Thar's them five hundred Pennsylvanians that went out in June, under old Cunnel Crawford from Pittsburg, agin the brutes of Sandusky, war more ridiculously whipped by old Captain Pipe, the Delaware, thar's no denying." "What!" said Roland, "was Crawford's company beaten?"

Here the garrulous old servant shook his head. "But ef he don't well den " "That's bad, if he doesn't, eh?" "Yassah. Ef he don' come a-blowin' an' ef he do come a-singin', den look out! I allus did notice, ef Cunnel Blount 'gins to sing 'ligious hymns, somethin's wrong, and somethin' gwine ter drap.

I bought her such a pretty red cloak, all lined wid white silk, an' wrapped her in it, an' took her on to de boat, an' left her thar, she thinkin' I was comin' back, an' the last I seen of her, as the boat moved off, she was jumpin' up an' down, an' stretchin' her arms to me, an' the Cunnel holdin' her tight, or I b'lieve she'd sprung overboard. He'd a good time gettin' her home, I reckon.

'Not shore, Cunnel, but she can't stand, and the blood will run. I reckon a hun'red and fifty ar done for thar, sartin. 'D the money I'll make that right. Go to the house and get some ointment from Madam she can save her go at once, said my host. 'I will, Cunnel, replied the dirt-eater, taking his broad-brim from the wooden peg where it was reposing, and leisurely leaving the cabin.

"Cunnel Blount, sah well, I got a papah, a wah'nt from co'te, f-fo' you, sah. I I I didn't think you was quite so well, sah." "Uh-huh! So that's why you came, eh? I reckon you'd be mighty glad if I was a heap sicker, wouldn't you?" "I dunno, sah." "What's your warrant for, Mose?" said Calvin Blount, still quietly. "Stealing hogs this time, or killing somebody's cows, maybe? Out with it.

Lieutenant Davis, who had come with us from Andersonville, was also sitting on a horse inside the prison, and he called out in his usual harsh, disagreeable voice: "That's all right, Cunnel; the man's done just as I awdahed him to." I found that lying around inside were a number of bits of plank each about five feet long, which had been sawed off by the carpenters engaged in building the prison.

The negro, who was a powerfully built fellow, instead of standing up and defending himself like a man, crouched on the ground with his arms over his head. "Please, Cunnel Gaylord," he whimpered, "le' me go! I ain't done nuffen. I ain't steal no chickens. For Gord's sake, doan whip me!" I sprang forward with an angry exclamation and grasped my uncle's arm.

Thar war two of 'em, hidin' ahint that thar jagged aidge. An' ef yer back war turned they'd peep out at ye an' the Cunnel ridin'. But whenst ye would face round agin, they'd drap down ahint the aidge o' the rock. I 'lowed wunst ez I'd holler ter ye, but I war feared ye moughtn't keer ter know." Her voice fell in its deprecatory cadence. He stodd in silent perplexity.

Missy S'wanee, she larf she was allus a-larfin' no matter what happen an' she says, 'I'se'll get eben wid him. Well, de cap'n goes an' speaks to de cunnel, an' de oder captured ossifers ob our sogers, an' dey bow to him, an' den dey comes up an' sits on de verandy, an' Missy Roberta goes out, and dey talk in low tones, an' I couldn't hear what dey say.