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"He commenced it," whimpered Pewee. "You dells a pig lie a'ready, I beleefs, Peter, and I'll whip you fur lyin' besides wunst more. Fellers like him," pointing to Jack, who was brushing the dust off his clothes, "fellers like him don't gommence on such a poy as you. You're such anoder viter I never seed." And he shook Pewee savagely.

I ain't never done such a thing since I was a child, and then only wunst. How dretful it would have been if I had gone into any other room and mebbe have been shot or have scared some young and unprotected female into fits. To think of me, with my untarnished reputation, and at my age, a-doin' such a thing! You don't reckon it was my new pain-killer, do you?"

"Know, you say? I knew, wunst. I knew that my girl, my only child, was good. One night she went off with a married man that worked in my store, and stole my money and where is she now?" And then he added, "What I know is, that every man hes his price. I hev mine, and you hev yourn!" The impugnment of Eli's motives was evident to all. "'Xcuse me, Mr.

Mose uncovered a sandy head, face and beard, and remarked: "I don't want to put on airs in this here crowd, but ef nobody else ken say a word to the Lord about Billy Bent, I'm a-goin' to do it myself. It's a bizness I've never bin in, but ther's nothin' like tryin'. This meetin' 'll cum to order to wunst." "Hats off in church, gentlemen!" commanded Pentecost.

I figure the Mex are goin' in through that winder they busted. That sound's their boots scaling the wall." "Ever been inside?" "Wunst, ter take some papers ter Lacy." "Well, what's it like? For God's sake speak up there's goin' ter be hell to pay in a minute." "Thar's two rooms; ther outside door an' winder are in the front one, which is the biggest.

He made no remark, for this was a standing quarrel between them, and the one thing upon which his mother was hard as adamant. "Wunst" a day it was compulsory that he should wash his face. He dried himself on a greasy towel, damp and dirty and ragged, that left his face covered with shreds of lint. "I wish we didn't live so far away," she said, as he sat down. "I try to do the best I can.

I'm well-known ez a secret-sarvice man tu well-known, I'm afeered. I could git 'long 'ithout quite ez menny 'quaintances ez I hev gethered up lately. More 'specially o' the kind, fur menny on 'em ar' only waitin' a good opportunity ter gin me a gran' interduction to 'tarnity. I'd ruther know fewer folks an' better ones, ez I wunst heered Harry Glen say."

She would have liked to have Jonas join the church with her, but if he had done it now she herself would have doubted his sincerity. "Now, looky here, Cynthy, ef you'll say you don't love me, and never can, I'll leave you to wunst, and fly away and mourn like a turtle-dove. But so long as it's nobody but Goshorn, I'm goin' to stay and litigate the question till the Millerite millennium comes.

Many's the tale I could tell o' his doin' an' our sufferin'. Why, I mind a poor lump of a 'prentice as I wunst had, a loon as never could raise a keek: poor soul, he bin underground this many year. Well, as I were sayin', this 'prentice o' mine were allers bein' baited by the boys o' the grammar school.

"An' didn't yer go to work," said another, "when all the fellers was a-askin' what was to be done with them Chinesers didn't yer just order the boys to clean 'em out to wunst?" "That ain't the best thing yer dun, neither!" exclaimed a third.