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She did not heed his explanation. "We'e you sca'ed when you got my dispatch?" "No, we kind of expected you'd come any time, the way you wrote afta Mrs. Landa died. We thought something must be up." "Yes," she said, absently. Then, "Whe'e's motha?" she asked. "Well, I guess she thought she couldn't get round to it, exactly," said the father. "She's all right. Needn't ask you!"

I don't see as anything comes of it, but just to get a passal of wo'thless fellas afta you that think you'a going to have money. There's such a thing as two sides to everything, and if the favas is goin' to be all on one side I guess there'd betta be a clear undastandin' about it.

Again the negro denied all knowledge of having beheld such a thing. "Ef ah'd done seed anyfing lak dat," he declared; "ah'd hev bin skedaddlin' fer ther hut lak er chicken wif a hungry coon afta' it, yas, sah." Thoroughly convinced that his imagination had played him a trick, Frank did not mention the incident, to his fellow adventurers and soon almost forgot it.

"Yes, and what would folks say, afta youa taken' care of me?" "Do you think I do it fo' that?" "What do you do it fo'?" "What did you want me to come with you fo'?" "That's true." Mrs. Lander brightened and warmed again. "I guess it's all right. I guess I done right, and I got to be satisfied. I presume I could get the consul to make me a will any time." Clementina did not relent so easily. "Mrs.

But I d' know, afta this, Clementina, as I can let you leave me quite as you be'n doin'. There was a lot of flowas come for you, this aftanoon, but I made Maddalena put 'em on the balcony, for I don't want you should get poisoned with 'em in your sleep; I always head they was dangerous in a person's 'bed room. I d' know as they are, eitha." Maddalena seemed to know that Mrs.

Missa Whela he say, "Yes." Kanaka they begin go down beach. He say Missa Whela, "Now you go quick." They jump in whale-boat. "Now you low!" Kekela he say: "you low quick, quick!" 'Melican mate he go away?" jump in boat; low afta.

He's the only one I don't believe is afta the money he thinks you'a goin' to have; but if you don't want him, you want to look what you're about." The girl returned to Hinkle in the embarrassment which she was helpless to hide, and without the excuse which she could not invent for refusing to go with him. "Is Mrs. Lander worse or anything?" he asked. "Oh, no.

"She's the best gul in the wo'ld, and she won't be one of the poorest; and I shall feel that I'm doin' just what Mr. Landa would have wanted I should. He picked her out himself, moa than three yea's ago, when we was drivin' past her house at Middlemount, and it was to humor him afta he was gone, moa than anything else, that I took her. Well, she wa'n't so very easy to git, either, I can tell you."

All right,” he replied; “because they ain’t any mo’ mosquitoes; because I want you to see somethin’ worth seein’ afta while; and because I like to look at you,” which he was doing, with the innocent boldness of a forward child. “Ain’t that ’nough reasons?” “More than enough,” she replied shortly.

"You want to look afta this young lady," she said, indicating Clementina. "I can look afta myself," but Ellida took charge of them both on the train out from Boston with prompt intelligence. "We got to get used to it, I guess," Mrs. Lander confided at the first chance of whispering to Clementina.