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When she's gettin' peekit like trying to keep the house goin' and at the same time prevent her seven little ones from steppin' into the cistern or fallin' down the hay-hole, you can make up another pretty pickter with one of the nine hundred million other weemen on this globe as the central figger!"

"I mean," he explained, "that I found him hesitating here in the passage, looking for his room." "Ay, he's always hoaverin' and glowerin' in the passages but it's no' for his ROOM! And it's a deesgrace to decent Christian folk his carryin' on wi' married weemen mebbee they're nae better than he!" "That will do," said the consul curtly.

If it runs out we kin drop the weemen, and take what o' them's handiest to carry." This was said with a significant gesture, and a ferocity of expression revolting to behold. "Now, boys! what say ye?" "I freeze to Kirker." "And I." "And I." "I'm not goin' to advise anybody," added the brute. "Ye may all do as ye please about it; but this niggur's not a-goin' to starve in the midst o' plenty."

'Ye should leave the weemen alane, an' then ye wud ha'e time to spare. 'What ha'e ye got to speak aboot? Macgregor impatiently demanded, though he was in good time for his appointment. 'I was thinkin' o' enlistin', said Willie. 'Oh! cried his friend, interested. 'Ye've changed yer mind, Wullie? 'I've been conseederin' it for a while back.

"Humour her, Hamish; humour the weemen. A new face is New Year to Auld Kate that keeps house tae McDearg." "Och, it's the lassies will be the pleased ones, coiling the blankets round them; it's Auld Kate that kens," and then she gave a screitchy hooch and began to sing in her cracked thin voice 'The man's no' born and he never will be, The man's no born that will daunton me.

"Dan, Dan," said I, "do you think of nothing but women and horses? Have ye never learned the lesson of Joseph?" "Man, Hamish," says he, with a whimsical smile and a hand at his moustache, "ye should put a' things in their proper order. Horses and weemen noo.

Man, a've seen him tak a wee laddie on his knee that his ain mither cudna quiet, an' lilt 'Sing a song o' saxpence' till the bit mannie would be lauchin' like a gude are, an' pooin' the doctor's beard. "As for the weemen, he fair cuist a glamour ower them; they're daein' naethin' noo but speak aboot this body and the ither he cured, an' hoo he aye hed a couthy word for sick fouk.

It's fair putrid to think o' a' the terrible hard wark we're daein' here to nae purpose. I wisht I was deid! Can ye len' 'us a bob? 'I ha'ena got it, Wullie; honest. Willie sadly shook his head. 'That moll o' yours, said he, 'is awfu' expensive. Ye've nae notion o' managin' weemen. Listen, an' I'll tell ye something. Ye mind last Monday?

"Wow! but if it wass not for the weemen an' children that's with us, you would hev a goot chance o' bein' in need o' sparin' yoursels; an' it iss not much o' the blood o' the Grants, either, that's in your veins, or ye would scorn to consort wi' such fire-raisin' cut-throats. It iss the fortune of war whatever, and we can't affoord to leave our weemen an' bairns defenceless.

He could not make up his mind whether to like or dislike this young man, but Madame Midas had seemed so impressed that he had half made up his mind to dislike him out of a spirit of contradiction. 'Weemen are sae easy pleased, puir feckless bodies, he said to himself, 'a bonny face is a' they fash their heads aboot, though the same may be already in the grip of auld Nickyben.