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Weemen hae nae discernment, Milton; tae hear them speak ye wud think MacLure hed been a releegious man like yersel, although, as ye said, he wes little mair than a Gallio.

"Could ye no' try Mysie, too?" he asked, breaking in anxiously. "She's a guid worker, an' she'll be able to pick as many stanes as the weemen. Willn't ye, Mysie?" And he turned to the girl for corroboration with assurance.

MacOmish hed the face tae peety him wi' naebody but a hoosekeeper. He lat oot tae me though that the potatoes were as hard as a stone at denner, an' that he hed juist ae blanket on his bed, which wesna great management for four weemen." As Carmichael's aunt seemed to be more and more impressed, Margaret moistened her lips and rose higher.

In thet way we'll make sure o' keepin' 'em from runnin' off the weemen; beside it'll gie us the more likelier chance to make a good count o' the redskin sculps." "What do you say, boys?" asks the Ranger captain, addressing himself more especially to the men composing his command. "Cully's right," is the response from a majority of voices. "Then we must stay here till night.

"Eat ye your pease-brose and keep clear o' the weemen, and ye'll be as great a man as him, but never say a word tae Dan. Says you, when ye go home and see him wi' nobody aboot, says you: 'Jock McGilp was saying the turf's in and the gull's a bonny bird. Mind it noo; 'The turfs in' and 'the gull's a bonny bird."

Joseph Smith has been made a martyr, and is by this time an angel in heaven. No doubt he is now in glory, at the head of the angelic host." "Wal if the angels are weemen, he'll hev a good wheen o' 'em about him, I reck'n. I've hearn he wur at the head of a putty consid'able host o' 'em up thur in Massoury fifty wives they said he hed! Wur that ere true, Josh?"

You're more practised in thar ways than me. Though a good score o' year older than yurself, I hain't hed much to do wi' weemen, 'ceptin' Injun squaws an' now an' agin a yeller gurl down by San Antone. But them scrapes wan't nothin' like thet Walt Wilder heve got inter now." "A scrape! What sort of a scrape? I hope you haven't " "Ye needn't talk o' hope, Frank Hamersley.

He was to meet her at seven, and of late he had lost sleep wondering how she would receive his first appearance in the kilt. He dreaded her chaff more than any horrors of war that lay before him. 'Aw, she'll laugh, sure enough, croaked Willie. 'I wud ha'e naething to dae wi' the weemen if I was you. Ye canna trust them, added this misogynist of twenty summers. Macgregor took hold of himself.

"Thin, upon my solevation, I'm sarry to hear it, and so will all at home, for there's not in the parish we're sittin' in a couple that our family has a greater regard an' friendship for, than him and yourself. Faix, my modher, no longer ago than Friday night last, argued down Bartle Meegan's throath, that you and Biddy Martin wor the two portliest weemen that comes into the chapel.

The men clustered round him to offer their advice and listen to his directions. "We can fight them, capt'n, even-handed," said the trapper Garey. "Thar ain't over two hundred." "Jest a hundred and ninety-six," interposed a hunter, "without the weemen. I've counted them; that's thar number."