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But Hugh was become the great gallant, with old Tam rubbing his stirrups with sand from the sand-brae, that and wet divots, till the irons shone like silver. "Hoch-a-soch," he would say, "the young Laird is ta'en wi' the weemen. I will be at the polishing o' his horse's shoes next, and it iss the fine smells he will be haffin' on his claes fine smells for the leddies, yess."

Do you know I'm beginnin' to think that a man shouldn't depend so much on art with weemen. I notice them gets along best who doesn't keep their arms entirely occupied with gestures and workin' the fiddle." Perry winked sagely at this and cackled. He rocked violently to and fro on his feet, from heel to toe and toe to heel. "Yet it ain't a bit onreasonable," he went on.

As ye all know, them goats is a mighty curious animal as curious as weemen is an arter runnin' backward an' forrard a bit, an' tossin' up thur heads, an' sniffin' the air, one o' the fattest, a young prong-horn buck, trotted up 'ithin fifty yards o' me. "I jest squinted through the sights, an' afore that goat hed time to wink twice, I hit him plum atween the eyes.

Several of the men, less brave than their comrades, ran off to hide themselves in the snow, while others commenced climbing the low pine-trees! "`Cache the gals! cried Garey. `Hyar, yer darned Spanish greasers! if yer won't light, hook on to the weemen a wheen o' yer, and toat them to the snow. Cowardly slinks, wagh!

"Wal, it ain't on a warlike bender, whether Ailikoleep or no, seein' as thar's weemen an' childer in 't. So I reck'n thar's nothin' to be skeart about jest yet, though you niver kin tell for sartin what the critters air up to till they show it themselves."

"And the weemen" here the housekeeper paused as one still lost in amazement at the audacity with which they had waylaid the helpless MacWheep "there wes ae madam in Muirtown that hed the face tae invite hersel' oot tae tea wi' three dochters, an' the way they wud flatter him on his sermons wes shamefu'. "If they didna begin askin' him tae stay wi' them on Presbytery days, and Mrs.

An interesting child, and so well-mannered, too," remarked Jackman. "Humph! Nae doot she is. They do say that it's because my brither has gotten an English wife. But for my pairt, oor weemen seem to me to be as weel mainered as the weemen sooth o' the Tweed." "Quite as well, I doubt not; though I have not seen much of your countrywomen, Ian.

So, at length, believed Ben Brace, and his belief, expressed in his own peculiar patois, produced conviction in the minds of all, that the object extending along a hundred fathoms of the horizon, "must be eyther a rock, a reef, or a island; and the creeturs movin' over it must be men, weemen, an' childer!"

At that Scaurdale leant over his saddle. "Ye'll never be in want if ye knock at my door, so long as the mortar holds the stanes thegither." "Good night to you, Sir Churchman; I'm in nae swither whether I would change places wi' ye the night, but weemen are daft craturs, poor things, and I've had my day."

Mines is no to be mentioned wi' it, and there's few weemen has mair hair than what I have, or yet a bonnier colour.