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Round the pupils of her black eyes a little ring began to glow, as though a light came from a great distance through darkness, her white teeth bit on her under lip, and she stepped closer to Dan's horse. "Haud away, woman, haud away, for the love o' your Maker; the stallion canna thole weemen about him."

I dinna say for men folk, but where weemen folk are born, there let them bide. Glory to God, I was never far'er from here than Crossmichael." At the sight, Kirstie grew more tall Kirstie showed her classical profile, nose in air and nostril spread, the pure blood came in her cheek evenly in a delicate living pink.

They have also learned to adjust their sights, to perform the loading motions rapidly and correctly, and to obey such simple commands as "At them two, weemen" officers' wives, probably "proceeding from left tae right across the square, at five hundred yairds" they are really about fifteen yards away, covered with confusion "five roonds, fire!"

They're like wild animals, an' fight jest the same. I've seed a Feweegin, only a little mite uv a critter, make attack on a whale-boat's crew o' sealers, an' gi'e sev'ral uv 'em ugly wounds. They don't know sech a thing as fear, no more'n a trapped badger. Neyther do thar weemen, who fight jest the same's the men. Thar ain't a squaw in that canoe as cudn't stan' a tussle wi' the best o' us.

Man, a've seen him tak a wee laddie on his knee that his ain mither cudna quiet, an' lilt 'Sing a song o' saxpence' till the bit mannie would be lauchin' like a gude are, an' pooin' the doctor's beard. "As for the weemen, he fair cuist a glamour ower them; they're daein' naethin' noo but speak aboot this body and the ither he cured, an' hoo he aye hed a couthy word for sick fouk.

Aweel, the men a' went to the fishing and a' the weemen stayed at Bothanairidh, and in the evenings the young lassies would be making great laughing while the cailleachs span; and once, long long ago, when the crotal was young on the rocks on the moors, there came a swarthy lad and said fareweel tae his lass under this tree.

Weemen hae nae discernment, Milton; tae hear them speak ye wud think MacLure hed been a releegious man like yersel, although, as ye said, he wes little mair than a Gallic.

A wedding, it seems to me, will be waking the devil of speech in all women, and old Betty would be havering like all that. "What would I be telling ye?" she would say. "Has he not had the wale of all the weemen, and never the wan could be keeping him but you.

There's no voice like that little 'un among its crew o' ruffins; and that man, whosomever he be, don't speak like Le Gros. I only thought so at first, bein' half asleep. "If it be a school o' maremaids," pursued he, "theer an't no danger, even wi' theer men along wi' 'em. Leastwise, I never heerd say there wur from maremaids more'n any other weemen; an' not so much, I dare ay.