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Over his chimney-piece there was a large German landscape in oils, called "Im Walde"; it represented a wood at twilight in the autumn, and if you looked at it carefully and for a long time you saw that the objects depicted were meant to be trees from which the leaves were falling; but if you looked at the picture carelessly and from a distance, it looked like a man-of-war on a rough sea, for which it was frequently taken, much to Ferrol's annoyance.

and compare with its flute-like and treble quality the breadth, depth, and volume of the German in this inimitable stanza of Goethe's: Ueber alien Gipfeln Ist Ruh, In allen Wipfeln Spürest du Kaum einen Hauch; Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde. Warte nur, balde Ruhest du auch.

As he entered his rooms the first thing which met his eye was that his great picture, "Im Walde," which he considered to be one of the few products of modern art that a man who respected himself could look at without positive pain in the eyes, had fallen from its place over the chimney-piece to the floor in front of the fender, and the glass was shattered into a thousand fragments.

Hugh set his teeth. The ice broke in a great piece and tilted heavily against him. It was over one shoulder. "Call," said the other self, sharply, again, "or you will be under the ice." And up to the quiet heaven rose once and again a hoarse, wild cry of human agony and despair. Ueber allen Gipfeln Ist Ruh; In allen Wipfeln Spürest Du Kaum einen Hauch; Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde.

'Die vogelein schweigen im Walde, he said. The answer came from a clear, authoritative voice. 'Warte nur, balde ruhest du auch. Clearly some kind of password, for sane men don't talk about little birds in that kind of situation. It sounded to me like indifferent poetry. Then followed a conversation in low tones, of which I only caught odd phrases.

One of them was singing an ancient German soldier song: "Die Vöglein im Walde Sie singen so schön In der Heimat, in der Heimat, Da gibt's ein Wiederseh'n." "The relief patrol!" I whispered to Francis, as soon as they were past. "The other lot they relieve will be back this way in a minute. We must get across quickly."

Thus, in the sketch-books of the Pastoral Symphony, we find this record of his joy in nature, showing how thoroughly his mind was imbued with his subject. "Almächtiger, im Walde ich bin selig, glücklig im Wald. Jeder Baum spricht durch dich!" "O Gott! Welche Herrlichkeit in einer solchen Waldgegend."

It strikes a pleasant note when Richard Russell, citizen and merchant of York, leaves in his will, 'for distribution among the farmers of Yorkes Walde, from whom I bought wool 20 l., and in the same way among the farmers of Lyndeshay 10 l. . The 'Cely Letters' give a mass of information about the wool buying at Northleach.

A recently published design for the wall decoration of a school, "Fingerhut im Walde," was awarded a prize. Fräulein Ley receives young women students in her atelier in Karlsruhe. <b>LICATA-FACCIOLI, ORSOLA.</b> A first-class and several other medals as a student of the Academy at Venice. Member of the Academies of Venice and Perugia, 1864. Born in Venice, 1826.

'Die Vogelein schwei igem im Walde, I said. His face broke into a pleasant smile, and he replied: 'Warte nur, balde rubest du auch. 'Ach, he said in German, holding out his hand, 'you have come this way, when we thought you would go by Modane. I welcome you, for I know your exploits. You are Conradi, who did so nobly in Italy? I bowed. 'Yes, I am Conradi, I said. The Col of the Swallows