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Hugh set his teeth. The ice broke in a great piece and tilted heavily against him. It was over one shoulder. "Call," said the other self, sharply, again, "or you will be under the ice." And up to the quiet heaven rose once and again a hoarse, wild cry of human agony and despair. Ueber allen Gipfeln Ist Ruh; In allen Wipfeln Spürest Du Kaum einen Hauch; Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde.

What is the beauty of the "Ulalume," or "Kubla Khan," or "Ueber allen Gipfeln"? It is the way in which the form in its exquisite fitness to our senses, and the emotion belonging to that particular form as organic reverberation therefrom, in its exquisite fitness to thought, create in us a delight quite unaccounted for by the ideas which they express.

Yet if we allow the idealists to pass sentence, what shall become of our treasures in "Kubla Khan," or "Ueber allen Gipfeln," or "La Nuit de Decembre"? The results of such a judgment day would be even more appalling to the true lover of poetry.

Of the highest poetry, however, as of other highest things, Goethe's famous axiom Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh holds good. Although there is a difference between the expressions of this highest poetry in the fifth and fourth centuries before Christ, in the fourteenth, seventeenth, and nineteenth after Christ there is also a certain quiet sameness, not indiscernibility but still identity.

The big white clouds lay like stepping-stones in the sky's blue river, just as when she was a child. Their silver-gleaming brightness blinded her ... "Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh ... warte nur ... balde ... ruhest ... du ..." she began to murmur, and stopped, awed by the immensity of the hush about her.

Goethe's "Ueber alien Gipfeln ist Ruh" and Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" are miracles of art, yet one was scribbled in a moment, and the other dreamed in an opium slumber.

She took walks, she talked and laughed with us, she made the actor swing her in the children's swing, as in the lawyer's day.... I went out one evening, for there was good weather and darkness for walking; there was neither a moon nor stars. The gentle ripple of the little Reisa river was all the sound I heard; there were God and Goethe and ueber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh' that night.

Hermann shook off the cloud of preoccupation that so unaccountably, to Michael's thinking, had descended on him, and walked across to the window. "Well, long may ignorance be bliss," he said. "Lord, what a divine evening! 'Uber allen gipfeln ist Ruhe. At least, there is peace on the only summits visible, which are house roofs.

'They were only two natives poachers, perhaps, or tinkers. 'They don't speak German in these parts. 'It was Gaelic probably. 'What do you make of this, then? and I quoted the stuff about birds with which they had greeted each other. Wake looked interested. 'That's Uber allen Gipfeln. Have you ever read Goethe? 'Never a word.

and compare with its flute-like and treble quality the breadth, depth, and volume of the German in this inimitable stanza of Goethe's: Ueber alien Gipfeln Ist Ruh, In allen Wipfeln Spürest du Kaum einen Hauch; Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde. Warte nur, balde Ruhest du auch.