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Passages like the following show the young Schiller at his best as a poet: Liebe wird Dein Auge nie vergolden, Nie umhalsen Deine Braut wirst Du, Nie, wenn unsere Thraenen stromweis rollten, Ewig, ewig, ewig sinkt Dein Auge zu.

"Unsere englische Lehrerin our teacher from England," smiled Fraulein. "Lehrerin!" breathed the girl. Something flinched behind her great eyes. The fingers relaxed, and Miriam feeling within her a beginning of response, had gone upstairs.

We had walked on down the trenches, turned a bend where two trees had been blown up and flung across it, when there was a dull report near by, followed a moment later by a tremendous explosion out toward the enemy's trench. "Unsere Minen!" These bombs were cylinders, about the size of two baking-powder tins joined together, filled with dynamite and exploded by a fuse.

"Unsere junge Englanderin," said Frau Bornsted, presenting me. "Schuhlerin von Kloster grosses Talent, " I heard her adding, handing round the bits of information as though it was cake. They all said Ach so, and Wirklich, and somebody asked if I liked Germany, and I said, still not seeing much, "Es ist wundervoll," which provoked a murmur of applause, as the newspapers say.

"Wir können uns keinen Gegenstand denken, ohne durch Kategorien; wir können keinen gedachten Gegenstand erkennen, ohne durch Anschauungen, die jenen Begriffen entsprechen. Nun sind alle unsere Anschauungen sinnlich, und diese Erkenntniss, so fern der Gegenstand derselben gegeben ist, ist empirisch. Empirische Erkenntniss aber ist Erfahrung.

In the meantime, she contented herself with peacefully annexing the commerce of the Flemish and Dutch ports, with building up a mercantile and a war navy, with advocating the historical maritime philosophy of Captain Mahan, and with repeating on every occasion the famous note of warning: ‘Unsere Zukunft ist auf dem Wasser.’ Biding her time, and following the line of least resistance, Germany for the last twenty years therefore extended steadily towards the south and towards the east.

"Ganz wohl; wir sind zufrieden mit unsere behandlung." I passed through the shell-shock wards and a yard where the "shell-shocks" sat about, dumb, or making queer, foolish noises, or staring with a look of animal fear in their eyes. From a padded room came a sound of singing. Some idiot of war was singing between bursts of laughter. It all seemed so funny to him, that war, so mad!

"Kirschner, von unsere Leute?" "Sure!" Max Kirschner replied. "Did your father once run a store under the opera house here?" "That's right." "And after he died the widder sells out to a man by the name Marcus Senft?" "The same one," Max replied. "Why do you ask?"

The uniforms the men wore were unfamiliar, but in his day Mr. Shutliffe had seen many uniforms, and to him all uniforms looked alike. The tallest soldier snapped at Mr. Shutliffe fiercely in a strange tongue. "Du bist gefangen!" he announced. "Das Dorf ist besetzt. Wo sind unsere Leute?" he demanded. "You'll 'ave to excuse me, sir," said Mr. Shutliffe, "but I am a trifle 'ard of 'earing."

Henry is showing me just now a bankbook which in the last nine months he is putting away eighteen hundred dollars." "That's all right, Abe," Morris said. "If he would be from unsere Leute, y'understand, instead he is putting the money in savings bank and getting 3 per cent. interest, he would invest it in something else and make it pretty near double itself soon."