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"Hugo an' me," he began again, very slowly and softly, "ve vent off north from here, a year an' a half it is now, after de ice she vent off de lakes. And ve trafel long vays, most far as vhere de Albany she come down in James Bay. Ve vos lookin' for silfer an' copper an' tings like dat. An' dere come one day vhen ve gets awful rough water on a lake and ve get upset.

What is the natur' of the matter action on the case, or a tort?" "Nein, nein! it isht not law dat I wants, put atfice." "Well, but advice leads to law, ninety-nine times in a hundred." "Ya, ya!" answered the pedlar, laughing; "dat may be so; put it isht not what I vants I vants to know vere a Charman can trafel wit' his goots in de coontry, and not in de pig towns."

"Dat ist de price to anudder," said the gallant trinket-dealer; "but dat ist not de price to you, Miss Opportunity. Ve shall trafel togedder; ant vhen ve gets to your coontry, you vill dell me de best houses vhere I might go mit my vatches ant drinkets." "That I will; and get you in at the Nest House, in the bargain," cried Opportunity, pocketing the pencil without further parley.

Veil, I am in dot bees'ness myself. "'Who do you travel for? said I, playing the innocent. "'I'm not on de roat, said the old man. 'I am just out on a leetle trip for my healt. I am a monufacturer. Who do you trafel for? "I told him and then tried to switch the conversation to something else. I knew the old man wouldn't let me do it. "'V'ere do you trafel? said he.

The man grinned when he came to spots where they must have proceeded very slowly with the heavy sleigh, and his brows corrugated when he saw that they had speeded up again. "Dey drive tern horses fast," he reflected. "Dey don't vant trafel dis road back in dark, sure ting, to break dere necks. Dey vant make qvick vork. But I ban goin' some, too, you bet."