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Updated: August 26, 2024

An' then there was t' mell-supper i' t' gert lathe, wi' singin' an' coontry dances, an' guisers that had blacked their faces. And efter we'd had wer suppers, we got agate o' dancin' i' t' leet o' t' harvist-moon; and reet i 't' middle o' t' dancers was t' mell-doll." "Mell-doll!" exclaimed Mary, roused to attention by the word. "Well, I'm fair capped! To think o' grown-up fowks laikin' wi' dolls.

"Vell, I haf heards dat in America dere might not be any noples ant aristocrats," put in my uncle, with an appearance of beautiful simplicity; "and dat dere ist not ein graaf in der whole coontry."

We have had a great many meetin's, latterly, about the right of the people to their farms; and there has been a good deal of talk at them meetin's consarnin' aristocracy and feudal tenors; do you know what a feudal tenor is, too?" "Ja; dere ist moch of dat in Teutchland in mine coontry.

Hugh Littlepage is rich, and his money gives him advantages that other men can't enj'y. Now, that sticks in some folks' crops." "Oh! den it ist meant to divite broperty in dis coontry; und to say no man might haf more ast anudder?" "Folks don't go quite as far as that, yet; though some of their talk does squint that-a-way, I must own.

And after all, he's a relation an if you'd walked wi him, you'd not ha had telegrams sent aboot you to make aw th' coontry taak!" "Telegrams!" Laura stared. "Oh, I know Mr. Helbeck telegraphed to the station-master but it must have come after I'd left the station." "Aye an t' station-master sent word back to Mr. Helbeck! Perhaps you doan't knaw onything aboot that!" exclaimed Polly triumphantly.

As for my uncle Ro, he was disposed to pursue the subject with Miller, who turned out to be a discreet and conscientious man. After a very short pause, as if to reflect on what had been said, he resumed the discourse. "Vhat, den, makes arisdograts in dis coontry?" asked my uncle.

The law is ag'in 'em, right is ag'in 'em, and every true friend of liberty in the country ought to be ag'in 'em." "Vhat ist der matter in dis coontry? I hear in Europe how America ist a free lant, ant how efery man hast his rights; but since I got here dey do nothin' but talk of barons, and noples, and tenants, and arisdograts, and all der bat dings I might leaf behint me, in der olt worlt."

"Her father," he continued, "fought and fell for his coontry. A man as fights for's coontry's a right to hould up his head ay! with any in the land. Desb'roughs o' Dorset! d'ye know that family, Master Feverel?" Richard did not know them, and, by his air, did not desire to become acquainted with any offshoot of that family.

At last one of them a lanky youth, with a frowning, ironic expression and famous as a heckler at public meetings said with slow emphasis: "There'll coom a day i' this coontry, mates, when men as treat poor foak like Muster Melrose, 'ull be pulled off t' backs of oos an' our like. And may aa live to see 't!" "Aye! aye!" came in deep assent from the others, as they turned away.

Ay'se gotten 't measter's single barrel; and gin I dunna ootshoot measter Draa whoy Ay'se deny my coontry!" "Most certainly you will deny it then, Tim," answered I, "for Mr. Draw shoots excellently well, and you " "And Ay'se shot mony a hare by 't braw moon, doon i' bonny Cawoods.

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