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La Qual Narra El Ventu|Roso Des- Cubrimiento Que los Mexicanos Han Hecho, Naue-|Gando con la Armada Quesu Magestad Mando Hazer en| Mexico. Con Otros Cosas Mar- Auillosas, y de Gran| Prone- Cho Para Toda la Chris- Tiandad: Con|Dignas De Ser Vistas y Leydas. ¶En Barcelona, Per Pau Cortey, 1566.

The gem of all was a screen having eight folds, on which was depicted the palace and throne-room of Riu Gu, the visit of Toda, and the procession of the Queen, nobles and grandees that escorted the brave archer, when he took his farewell to return to earth. The Queen sat on the glistening sill of the wide window looking out over her gardens, her two maids sitting at her feet.

We next find him at Panany, whence he proceeded to Ootacamund, the sanitarium on the Neilgherries, where he devoted himself to the acquisition of Telugu, Toda, Persian and Arabic, though often interrupted by attacks of ophthalmia. While he was thus engaged, Sir Charles Napier returned to England and Sind was placed under the Bombay Government "at that time the very sink of iniquity."

I find many stories in sporting books of the great courage and determination often shown by natives in connection with tigers, but my Nilgiri planter friend told me one which was really astonishing. A tiger one day had carried off a Toda cattle herd, and his friend or relative was determined to recover the body, and was about to proceed single-handed and unarmed into the jungle with this view.

I had hoped to gain some light on this subject from the breeding of dogs; inasmuch as in most breeds, with the exception, perhaps, of greyhounds, many more female puppies are destroyed than males, just as with the Toda infants. Mr. Cupples assures me that this is usual with Scotch deer- hounds.

It would be a matter of interest to trace, if it were possible, a history of this specialization, but the early fortunes of the Toda religion are without records and can only be surmised. In ancient Gaul the diviner, it is said, was distinguished from the priest and the prophet.

"Para que con esta acabe La historia, que nos refiere Dionisio el gran Cartusiano, Con Enrique Saltarense, Cesario, Mateo Rodulfo, Domiciano Esturbaquense, Membrosio, Marco Marulo, David Roto, y el prudente Primado de toda Hibernia, Belarmino, Beda, Serpi, Fray Dimas, Jacob Solino, Mensignano, y finalmente La piedad y la opinion Cristiana, que lo defiende."

The allusion to his advanced age in one of his letters to the sovereigns, wherein he relates the consolation he had received from a secret voice in the night season: Tu vejez no impedira a toda cosa grande. Abraham pasaba cien anos cuando engendro a Isaac, &c. This fact of the advanced age of Columbus throws quite a new coloring over his character and history.

Se dice que la mujer al presentarse en el escenario político se enajenará al punto el respeto y la admiración del hombre y, lejos de ganar, perderá las ventajas en que su actual posición le coloca, fuera de toda lucha directa con el hombre, siendo adorable y adorada en todas partes y reinando suprema en el hogar con la autoridad indiscutible de la madre o de la esposa, envuelta en ese espléndido manto de gracia y majestad de que la ha dotado la Naturaleza, pura e impoluta de las manchas que las luchas e intrigas políticas dejan siempre en la reputación y en la dignidad humanas.

Long, long ago there lived, in Japan a brave warrior known to all as Tawara Toda, or "My Lord Bag of Rice." His true name was Fujiwara Hidesato, and there is a very interesting story of how he came to change his name. One day he sallied forth in search of adventures, for he had the nature of a warrior and could not bear to be idle.