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If she would give me that graceful buskin to place in my museum beside the shoe of Carlotta Grisi, the Princess Houn-Gin's boot and Gracia of Grenada's slipper, I would fill it with gold or sugar-plums, as she pleased. As to her dress, I acknowledge, without any feeling of mortification, that it was of mousseline; but the secret of its making was preserved by the modiste.

He converted his two sisters beautiful Mooresses they were and they took the names of Gracia and Maria, and aflame in turn with pious fervor, they chose to go with their brother on his tour of preachment. But the old king of Carlet had died, and his first-born the arrogant Almanzor, a brutal, vainglorious Moor succeeded to the rulership of the tiny state a sort of military satrapy.

"The dollars I had this morning," he interposed. " who could have so strongly impressed Gracia Raglan." He looked thoughtfully on the ground; then raised his eyes to Lady Lawless, and said in a low, ringing tone: "Yes, I am going to do more than 'impress': I am going to convince her." "When?" she asked. "To-morrow morning, I hope," was the reply. "I believe I shall have my millions again."

He saw another peak of the mainland to the northwest, which was the peninsula of Paria, and to which Columbus, taking it to be another island, gave the name of Isla de Gracia.

Sir Asinus declined the pipe proffered to him, but applied himself to the old sherry with great gusto much to his Excellency's satisfaction. "You were near being discovered," said Fauquier, smiling; "then you would have been made an example." "Ex gracia exempli," said Sir Asinus, emptying his glass, and translating into the original respectfully. "Ah, you wild college boys!

"I succeeded in gaining her attention and approval of my plan, but with the awful danger behind us, there were still precious moments wasted before I could induce Gracia to venture into the water, of which she seemed to have a horror. I made almost superhuman exertions to reach the land, and depositing my almost insensible burden, turned again to attempt the rescue of my darlings.

Above Alta Gracia, near the mouth of the Rio Ujape, I had found the velocity of the Orinoco 2.3 feet in a second; between Muitaco and Borbon it was only 1.7 foot. The barometric observations made in the neighbouring steppes prove the small slope of the ground from the longitude of 69 degrees to the eastern coast of Guiana.

In Puerto Principe Gomez captured every town he attempted to take, among them Alta Gracia, San Jeronimo and Coscorro. He took Fort El Mulato, and in all the places secured large quantities of ammunition. So enthusiastic was his reception in the provinces of Puerto Principe and Santa Clara that in the latter 400 Spanish volunteers joined him with their arms.

Charles must have conceived the plan of founding this monastery some time before the middle of the fourteenth century, for we find the following entry in its chronicles which speaks of John and Charles, and in a Latin quaintly picturesque and careless: "Nos Johannes dei gracia Boemie rex ac Lucemburgensis comes et Karolus eius primogenitus marchio Morawie."

"Perhaps it would surprise you if I told you that at this moment I am not worth ten thousand dollars." She looked greatly astonished. "I do not understand," she said. She was thinking of what this might mean to Gracia Raglan. "You see I've been playing games at a disadvantage with some ruffians at New York. They have combined and got me into a corner. I have made my last move.