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I've put in only the strongest and most durable woods molave, dungon, ipil, langil and sent for the finest tindalo, malatapay, pino, and narra for the finishings. Do you want to look at the foundations?" The workmen saluted Ibarra respectfully, while Ñor Juan made voluble explanations. "Here is the piping that I have taken the liberty to add," he said.

We sang away as long as we could see him going out with the tide, and then we went back in the train, smoking our pipes like so many Vauxhall chimneys, and narra a word out of the one of us. . . . Yes, yes, there are some men like that. They come like the stars of night and go like the light of heaven.

"Why, a Scotch sort of a gentleman, as I said before," returned mine host; "they are all gentle, ye mun know, though they ha' narra shirt to back; but this is a decentish hallion a canny North Briton as e'er cross'd Berwick Bridge I trow he's a dealer in cattle."

Narra is a common description of red wood, somewhat resembling mahogany, which occasions it to be largely used in cabinet-making. From the lower parts of this tree I have seen a table exceeding two yards square, cut out, in one piece. Tindal wood resembles narra, but has a higher colour than the latter, which, however, gets sobered, and becomes darker by age.

'Mally's a stunner, he used to say. 'Follow you anywhere, if you wanted it, in spite of the devil and hell." The sparkling eyes were growing misty by this time but the woman in me made me say I couldn't help it "I dare say he's had many girl friends since my time, though?" "Narra a one.

After breakfast on the following morning he mounted the dignified staircase, with the sweeping railing of red narra wood and high Palladian window at the turn, to his wife. In their room he was bathed in a cold sweat of dismay at a sudden detached view of Taou Yuen in her complete Manchu mourning for his father.

The central portion, upstairs and down, is floored, wainscoted and ceiled with the costliest of timber. The two offices to right and left of the main entrance are finished in a beautiful, hard, heavy rosewood, called narra, the one to the right in yellow narra, that on the left in red narra.

"Ch't," said she, "if you're so much upset by a tarpaulin-hat, you've had a narra escape; for 'tis nothing to the costume I'd a mind to wear and I'd a mind to make you measure the whole crew for it." And as it was, I'm told, half the sightseers that poured into Saltash that day in their hundreds couldn't tell the women's crew from the men's by their looks or their dress.

The sun had partly dried the trail, and his vertical rays enabled us to see about us a little, and realize what a tremendous phenomenon tropical vegetation can be. Some Philippine trees, for example, the narra, throw out buttresses.

It was near Christmas; we had left our stations for the holidays the cholera had just swept them and the aftermath was not pleasant to contemplate and so we were leaning over the polished narra table, sipping a sweet, false Spanish wine from which we drew, not a convivial spirit, but rather a quiet, reflective gloom.