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One superstition stoned him and another canonized him. "Dear," she said to me, many, many years afterwards. "A good thought will thravel as fast an' as far as a bad wan if it gets th' right start!" "It's a quare world," Jamie said one night as we sat in the glow of a peat fire. "Aye, 'deed yer right, Jamie," Anna replied as she gazed into the smokeless flames.

"I know, but you remember when she used that word every letter in it was dressed in its best Sunday clothes, wasn't it?" "Och, aye, an' I'd thravel twinty miles jist t' hear aany wan say it like Anna!" "Well, I have traveled tens of thousands of miles and I have heard the greatest preachers of the age, but I never heard any one pronounce it so beautifully!"

He don't care much f'r th' kind beginning: 'Dear wife, I'm settin' in front iv th' camp fire wearin' th' flannel chest protector ye made me, an' dhreamin' iv ye, but if he can find wan beginnin': 'Little Bright Eyes: Th' old woman has gone to th' counthry, he's th' happiest bi-ographer ye cud see in a month's thravel. "Hogan had wan iv thim books in here th' other day.

If we go inard, we're sure to get lost one way or t'other. By keepin' south'ard we may come to some thradin' port av the Portagee." "We'd better start at once, then," suggested the impatient Terence. "No, Masther Terry," said the sailor; "not afore night. We mustn't leave 'eer till it gets dark. We'll 'ave to thravel betwane two days." "What!" simultaneously exclaimed the three midshipmen.

No record iv thransatlantic thravel takes into account th' longest, roughest an' most dangerous part iv th' passage, which is through th' New York custom house. "But 'tis wondherful annyhow. 'Tis wondherful that a man shud cross th' Atlantic ocean annyhow an' 'tis enough to make ye dizzy to think iv him crossin' it in an iron boat that looks like a row iv office buildings.

And now, me laddy, we must thravel. Are ye hungry?" "Yes." "I have a bite saved that'll do ye till the morrow. When ye waltzed out the cave and left me to meself, I felt there was no knowing how long I'd have to stay behind, so I knocked off both eating and drinking, with the idea of getting used to going without anything."

Be my sowl, he'll make yez rub your heels together, for keepin' an innocent boy in jail, that there's no law or no warrant out for. This is the way we're thrated by thim that's ridin' rough shod over us. But have a taste o' patience, ye scoundrels! It won't last, I can tell yez. Our day will soon come, an' thin I'd recommend yez to thravel for your health.

Her mind, however, was firm as ever, and prompt as before her calamity to direct and overlook, in her own sweet and affectionate manner, whatever required her superintendence. "I'm sure I don't know, Fardorougha," she replied. "It can't, I hope, be wid bad news they thravel fast enough an' I'm sure the Bodagh's son wouldn't take pleasure in bein' the first to tell them to us."

If you're of that stamp, it's time for me to thravel; not that I'm so rich as to make it worth any body's while to take the mouthful of wind out o' me that's in me. What do you mean by this discoorse?" "May God rest the sowls of the dead!" replied the woman, "but it's not for nothing that we talk as we do, an' if you knew but all, you wouldn't think so."

"Her hand," said Terence, "was as beautiful as ye'd find in a day's thravel, an' 'twas herself that'd dhrive men crazy afther wan look at her. An' she was good to the poor, but divii a bit av love did she have for a redcoat.