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He don't care much f'r th' kind beginning: 'Dear wife, I'm settin' in front iv th' camp fire wearin' th' flannel chest protector ye made me, an' dhreamin' iv ye, but if he can find wan beginnin': 'Little Bright Eyes: Th' old woman has gone to th' counthry, he's th' happiest bi-ographer ye cud see in a month's thravel. "Hogan had wan iv thim books in here th' other day.

All they want is to get home safe, with their counthry free, their honor protected an' their hats in good ordher. An' so they hammer away an' th' inimy keeps comin', an' th' varyous editions iv th' London pa-apers printed in this counthry have standin' a line iv type beginnin', 'I regret to state." "All this, Hinnissy, comes fr'm dhreamin' dhreams.

"How often have I envied Hop Lung whin I see him burnin' his priceless joss sticks. How often have I seen him lyin' on top iv me week's washin' pullin' away at th' savry rooster brand an' dhreamin' he was th' Impror iv Chiny, while I've had to contint mesilf with a stogy that give me a headache! But that day is passed.

Whin I think iv it, I praise th' saints I niver was married, though I had opporchunities enough whin I was a young man; an' even now I have to wear me hat low whin I go down be Cologne Sthreet on account iv th' Widow Grogan. Jawn, that woman'll take me dead or alive. I wake up in a col' chill in th' middle iv th' night, dhreamin' iv her havin' me in her clutches.

Ye'd wake up in th' middle iv th' night, dhreamin' that ye was back at th' gas-house with ye'er money gone. Ye'd be prisidint iv a charitable society. Ye'd have to wear ye'er shoes in th' house, an' ye'er wife'd have ye around to rayciptions an dances. Ye'd move to Mitchigan Avnoo, an' ye'd hire a coachman that'd laugh at ye.

All th' diff'rent kinds iv money he iver heerd iv rolled into him, large money an' small, other people's money, money he'd labored f'r an' money he'd wished f'r. Whin he set in his office countin' it he often left a call f'r six o'clock f'r fear he might be dhreamin' an' not get to th' roundhouse on time.

"Have you been in India, too?" asked Junkie of Quin, as he watched their proceedings with keen interest. "Sure, an' I have leastways if it wasn't dhreamin' I've bin there." "An' have you killed lions, and tigers, and elephants?" "Well, not exactly, me boy, but it's meself as used to stand by an' howld the spare guns whin the masther was killin' them." "Wasn't you frightened?" "Niver a taste.