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"Well, sir, I started up Ar-rchey Road afther th' meetin', forgettin' about Brennan's ordhers, whin a man jumps out fr'm behind a tree near th' gas-house. 'Melia murther! says I to mesilf. ''Tis a highwayman! Thin, puttin' on a darin' front an' reachin' f'r me handkerchief, I says, 'Stand back, robber! I says. 'Stand back, robber! I says. 'Stand back! I says. "'Excuse me, says th' la-ad.

She knew what the present trouble meant, now that it was started, and she knew in what it might end. But her courage never wavered. She ran over in her mind the names of the several men who were fighting her McGaw, for whom she had a contempt; Dempsey and Jimmie Brown, of the executive committee, both liquor-dealers; Paterson, foreman of the gas-house; and the rest dangerous enemies, she knew.

JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. "Limpy." Little, Brown. KARR, LOUISE. Trouble. Himebaugh and Browne. KELLERHOUSE, LUCY CHARLTON. *Forest Fancies. Duffield. KIRK, R. G. White Monarch and the Gas-House Pup. Little, Brown. KIRKLAND, WINIFRED. *My Little Town. Dutton. LAIT, JACK. Gus the Bus and Evelyn, the Exquisite Checker. LARDNER, RING W. Gullible's Travels. Bobbs-Merrill. LEACOCK, STEPHEN. Frenzied Fiction.

If it had been hot elsewhere, what had it been in Archey Road? The street-car horses reeled in the dust from the tracks. The drivers, leaning over the dash-boards, flogged the brutes with the viciousness of weakness. The piles of coke in the gas-house yards sent up waves of heat like smoke. Even the little girls playing on the sidewalks were flaming pink in color.

The fireworks were those overgrown wheels and gaunt windmills and gas-house the secret of the prince's self-banishment to this dreary coast? What dreams did he seek to incarnate on this strand, in this queer tower, locked away from the world with a charming princess a fairy princess whose heart beat with love for the oppressed, in whose hand he might some time see the blazing torch of freedom?

"No wan knowed she had th' bicycle, because she wint out afther dark an' practised on it down be th' dump. But las' Friday ev'nin', lo an' behold, whin th' r-road was crowded with people fr'm th' brick-yards an' th' gas-house an' th' mills, who shud come ridin' along be th' thracks, bumpin' an' holdin' on, but Molly Donahue? An' dhressed! How d'ye suppose she was dhressed? In pa-ants, Jawn avick.

"Good evening, Sir William," said Ben Duncan, the inveterate joker, who saw the effect produced by the coming of the baronet, and wished to relieve the young couple of his company. "Good evening, sir," replied the baronet, stiffly; for he was not disposed to be on very familiar terms with the young republicans. "A friend of mine at the Gas-house "

An' it showed how thrue th' people in New York is to th' thraditions iv Jefferson that divvle a wan iv thim 'd move away till th' check 'd been passed fr'm father to son, an' th' important part iv th' sacred ceremony was over. Thin a few iv thim wint home to cook dinner f'r their husbands, who was previnted be their jooties at th' gas-house fr'm attindin' th' function.

"A gas-light!" exclaimed Mrs. Woolridge; "where is the gas-house?" "There are several of them on the canal, and not one for each buoy, which is filled with gas, and contains a supply that will last for six weeks. Some folks who never went to sea suppose a lighthouse is to give light on the water, when they are only to mark certain localities, and to give ranges to navigators.

We set off early for a neighbouring Head-quarters, and it was not till we turned out of the gates of Cassel that we came on signs of the bombardment: the smashing of a gas-house and the converting of a cabbage-field into a crater which, for some time to come, will spare photographers the trouble of climbing Vesuvius.