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"Remember the rumpus we had, Mr. MacMasters and us fellows, when those Germans tried to recapture the Graf von Posen?" Ikey asked his mates. "Are we likely to forget it?" retorted Al. "What about it, Ikey?" asked Michael Donahue, complacently. "It was a lovely fight!" "Do you s'pose the fellows on this oil tender we are chasin' will fight?" asked Ikey. "Not a chance.

"We thought he'd bin disguising himself, the way he wouldn't be recognised." "You're a fool!" said the captain. "Yes, sorr," said Officer Cassidy, meekly. "So are you, Donahue." "Yes, sorr." Archie's respect for this chappie was going up all the time. He seemed to be able to take years off the lives of these massive blighters with a word. It was like the stories you read about lion-tamers.

Squealed 's morning," said Officer Donahue. Archie's memory stirred vaguely. "Babcock?" he said. "Do you know, that name seems familiar to me, somehow. I'm almost sure I've read it in the paper or something." "Ah, cut it out!" said Officer Cassidy, disgustedly. The two constables exchanged a glance of austere disapproval. This hypocrisy pained them. "Read it in th' paper or something!" "By Jove!

"Wow! And he is right," cried Frenchy Donahue. "That's just what our Colodia is." "And these subchasers are still faster," Torry observed. "They tell me they can make thirty-five, and better, an hour." "Oi, oi!" cried Ikey Rosenmeyer at this juncture. "Speak of the Old Harry and hear his wings, yet! What's that off yonder?"

Thin he called out to his wife. 'Honoria, he says, 'bring a bar'l, he says. 'Molly has come away without annything on, he says, 'but Sarsfield's pa-ants. Thin he turned on his daughter. 'May th' Lord forgive ye, Molly Donahue, he says, 'this night! he says. 'Child, where is ye'er dhress? 'Tut, tut! says th' good man. 'Molly, he says, 'ye look well on that there bicycle, he says.

Say it!" implored Billie. She lowered her face and then bravely raised it. "I said, 'Billie, I could hug you for that! ... Billie, let me go! Oh, you mustn't! please!" Quite a little while afterward Madge remembered to tell Billie that she had been seeking her uncle. They met him and Pat Donahue, coming out of the parlor. "Where have you been all evening?" demanded Mr. Ellston.

All night Tom Donahue was greatly excited, and when Wharton left he begged him to remember his promise, and also elicited from him a description of the exact spot at which he had seen the apparition, as well as the hour at which it appeared.

One of the scabs, unconscious, had been carried away in an ambulance; the other, assisted by special railroad police, had been taken away to the shops. At him, Mary Donahue, standing on her front stoop, her child in her arms, had hurled such vile abuse that it had brought the blush of shame to Saxon's cheeks.

I had not spoken with them in years. I told them I was no longer a disciple of an Indian guru. I also told them my new spiritual teacher was different than the others. "He's got a Ph.D," I explained. "He's been on Phil Donahue. He's my friend." Despite my assertions that I was fine and that I could take care of myself, they still looked at me as if I were in some kind of cult.

Thomas Mellon of Pittsburgh; John R. Walsh and the Cudahy brothers of Chicago; James Phelan, Peter Donahue, Joseph A. Donohoe, and John Sullivan of San Francisco; William A. Clark and Marcus Daly of Montana; George Meade, the Meases and the Nesbits, Thomas FitzSimmons and Thomas Dolan of Philadelphia; Columbus O'Donnell and Luke Tiernan of Baltimore, all these have been leading merchants in their day.