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He was, however, beginning to find his grasp weakening, when, joy of joys! his shout was answered by a rough voice from just above him. 'God be thankit, I'm nae too late! and a fisherman with great thigh-boots came hurriedly climbing over the rock. In an instant he recognised the gravity of the danger, and with a cheering 'Haud fast, mon! I'm comin'! scrambled down till he found a firm foothold.

As all of us, with the exception of the Dandy, were Scotch, four of us being Macs, the Maluka chose our Christmas grace from Bobby Burns; and quietly and reverently our Scotch hearts listened to those homely words: "Some ha'e meat, and canna eat, And some wad eat that want it; But we ha'e meat, and we can eat, And so the Lord be thankit."

She had folded back the sheet not from the face, but from the feet and raised the night dress of fine linen in which the love of her cousin had robed the dead for the repose of the tomb. "It wad hae been tellin' her," she muttered, "to hae spoken Bawby fair! I'm no used to be fa'en foul o' that gait. I 's be even wi' her yet, I'm thinkin' the auld speldin'! Losh! and Praise be thankit! there it's!

Some of my creditors said it was owre meikle that I had been simple and wronged mysel'. "'I would wish to the utmost o' my power to be honest, said I; 'and if I hae wronged mysel', I hae saved my conscience. If there be naething else left for me noo, as Burns says 'Heaven be thankit! I can beg. "My business, hooever, had been entirely at a stand for the space o' sax weeks.

"Troth, a fine father!" rejoined the mother, with a small scornful laugh. "Na, but he's something to mak mention o'! Sic a father, lassie, as it wad be tellin' him he had nane! What said ye till 'im?" "I bit thankit 'im, 'cause I tint my drop as I gaed to the schuil i' the mornin', an' he fan't till me, an' was at the chopdoor waitin' to gie me't back. They say he's aye fin'in' things."

I should be much hurt, Sir, if any one should view my poor Parnassian Pegasus in the light of a spur-galled Hack, and think that I wish to make a shilling or two by him. I spurn the thought. It may do, maun do, Sir, wi' them who Maun please the great-folk for a wame-fou; For me, sae laigh I needna boo For, Lord be thankit! I can ploo; And, when I downa yoke a naig, Then, Lord be thankit!

Mistress Crathie tells me her man's in a sair vex 'at ye winna tell a wordless lee aboot the black mere: that's what I ca't no her. But lee it wad be, an' dinna ye aither wag or haud a leein' tongue. A gentleman maunna lee, no even by sayin' naething na, no gien 't war to win intill the kingdom. But, Guid be thankit, that's whaur leears never come.

I thankit Providence for the day, for it was better to tak the lang miles back in sic a sun than in a blast o' rain. But as I lookit I saw some folk comin' up frae the beach carryin' something atween them. My hert gied a loup, and "some puir, drooned sailor-body," says I to mysel', "whae has perished in yesterday's storm."

An' I never heard yir faither greet afore or syne. The Buik, tae, it wad open o' itsel' at the prodigal, an' it was his daein', an' he didna think I kent; but I kent it fine, an' I thankit the Heavenly Faither mony a time." She stopped, exhausted, her soul flickering in her voice. Donald moved, his great form coming athwart her eager, kindling eyes.

"Some hae meat and canna eat, And some wad eat that want it; But we hae meat and we can eat, And sae the Lord be thankit." Then another small girl said her grace, which was Herrick's: "Here a little child I stand, Heaving up my either hand; Cold as paddocks though they be, Here I lift them up to Thee, For a benison to fall On our meat and on us all Amen." The next little girl said Stevenson's: