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I thankit Providence for the day, for it was better to tak the lang miles back in sic a sun than in a blast o' rain. But as I lookit I saw some folk comin' up frae the beach carryin' something atween them. My hert gied a loup, and "some puir, drooned sailor-body," says I to mysel', "whae has perished in yesterday's storm."

He tell't me whae ye were, and how ye were sent frae your father's house because ye wadna be a dealer, and that ye mightna disgrace your family wi' ganging on the stage. Ane Hammorgaw, our precentor, brought him here, and said he was an auld acquaintance; but I sent them both away wi' a flae in their lug for bringing me sic an errand, on sic a night.

He asked for a match for his pipe, and the man who gave it wore a decent melancholy on his face and shook his head with unction. "This is a bad job, Lewie," he said, using the privileged name of the ancient servant. "Whae would have ettled sic a calaamity to happen in your ain countryside?

Whae wad hae thought that young Milnwood and Cuddie Headrigg wad hae taen on wi' thae rebel blackguards?" "What do you mean by such improbable nonsense, Jenny?" said her young mistress, very much displeased.

Whae wad hae thought that young Milnwood and Cuddie Headrigg wad hae taen on wi' thae rebel blackguards?" "What do you mean by such improbable nonsense, Jenny?" said her young mistress, very much displeased.

What new trick is this, Andrew?" "It's hard," said Andrew "very hard, that a man canna be believed when he speaks Heaven's truth, just because he's whiles owercome, and tells lees a little when there is necessary occasion. Ye needna ask whae Rob Roy is, the reiving lifter that he is God forgie me! I hope naebody hears us when ye hae a letter frae him in your pouch.

"Why," said he, "if these bills are not paid, the Glasgow merchant comes on the Hieland lairds, whae hae deil a boddle o' siller, and will like ill to spew up what is item a' spent They will turn desperate five hundred will rise that might hae sitten at hame the deil will gae ower Jock Wabster and the stopping of your father's house will hasten the outbreak that's been sae lang biding us."

"When I was a lassie they ca'ed it Dalquharter Hoose, and Huntingtower was the auld rickle o' stanes at the sea-end. But naething wad serve the last laird's father but he maun change the name, for he was clean daft about what they ca' antickities. Ye speir whae bides in the Hoose? Naebody, since the young laird dee'd.

I cheated the leddy for your clavers, but I wasna gaun to cheat my joe. But she may marry whae she likes now, for I'm clean dung ower. This is a waur dirdum than we got frae Mr Gudyill when ye garr'd me refuse to eat the plum-porridge on Yule-eve, as if it were ony matter to God or man whether a pleughman had suppit on minched pies or sour sowens."

'Whae are ye that comes stravaigin' here on the Sabbath mornin'? he asked. I had lost all count of the days. So the Sabbath was the reason for this strange decorum. My head was swimming so wildly that I could not frame a coherent answer. But he recognized me, and he saw that I was ill. 'Hae ye got my specs? he asked. I fetched them out of my trouser pocket and gave him them.