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"Why," said he, "if these bills are not paid, the Glasgow merchant comes on the Hieland lairds, whae hae deil a boddle o' siller, and will like ill to spew up what is item a' spent They will turn desperate five hundred will rise that might hae sitten at hame the deil will gae ower Jock Wabster and the stopping of your father's house will hasten the outbreak that's been sae lang biding us."

I'm a lawyer, ye see: fond of my books and my bottle, a good plea, a well-drawn deed, a crack in the Parliament House with other lawyer bodies, and perhaps a turn at the golf on a Saturday at e'en. Where do ye come in with your Hieland plaids and claymores?" "Well," said I, "it's a fact ye have little of the wild Highlandman." "Little?" quoth he. "Nothing, man!

He explained to Arthur that Sheyk Abou Ben Zegri had never had more than two sons, and that both had been killed the year before in trying to recover their cattle from the Cabeleyzes, 'a sort of Hieland caterans. The girl whom Arthur had noticed was the widow of the elder of the two, and the child was only a daughter.

"Where it is," replied my guide, after the affectation of considering for a moment, "I cannot justly tell probably where last year's snaw is." "And that's on the tap of Schehallion, ye Hieland dog," said Mr. Jarvie; "and I look for payment frae you where ye stand." "Ay," replied the Highlander, "but I keep neither snaw nor dollars in my sporran.

Campbell and my mother, being most devout and most particular women; and I suppose my amazement must have been depicted in my countenance, for Mrs. Ogilvy burst forth suddenly in a fit of laughter. "Keep me!" she cried, struggling with her mirth, "you have the finest timber face and you to marry the daughter of a Hieland cateran!

They are clean anither set frae the like o' huz; there's nae bailie-courts amang them nae magistrates that dinna bear the sword in vain, like the worthy deacon that's awa', and, I may say't, like mysell and other present magistrates in this city But it's just the laird's command, and the loon maun loup; and the never another law hae they but the length o' their dirks the broadsword's pursuer, or plaintiff, as you Englishers ca' it, and the target is defender; the stoutest head bears langest out; and there's a Hieland plea for ye."

"Hear to the Hieland deevils," said Mr. Jarvie; "they think themselves on the skirts of Benlomond already, where they may gang whewingand whistling about without minding Sunday or Saturday." Here he was interrupted by something which fell with a heavy clash on the street before us "Gude guide us what's this mair o't? Mattie, haud up the lantern Conscience if it isna the keys!

Jarvie; "he's a Hieland gentleman, nae doubt better rank need nane to be; and for habit, I judge he wears the Hieland habit amang the hills, though he has breeks on when he comes to Glasgow; and as for his subsistence, what needs we care about his subsistence, sae lang as he asks naething frae us, ye ken?

"O ay, I ken a' about it it was a Hieland loon gied the letter to that lang-tongued jaud the gudewife there; I'll be sworn my maister ken'd naething about it. But he's wilfu' to gang up the hills and speak wi' Rob; and oh, sir, it wad be a charity just to send a wheen o' your red-coats to see him safe back to Glasgow again whether he will or no And ye can keep Mr.

"This is a very singular contract of assurance," said Mr. Owen. "It's clean again our statute law, that must be owned," said Jarvie, "clean again law; the levying and the paying black-mail are baith punishable: but if the law canna protect my barn and byre, whatfor suld I no engage wi' a Hieland gentleman that can? answer me that." "But," said I, "Mr.