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When the trees are of a proper size, they are drawn up, and stripped of their branches, after which the roots and tops are cut off; the bark of these rods being then slit up longitudinally is easily drawn off, and, when a proper quantity has been procured, it is carried down to some running water, in which it is deposited to soak, and secured from floating away by heavy stones: When it is supposed to be sufficiently softened, the women servants go down to the brook, and stripping themselves, sit down in the water, to separate the inner bark from the green bark on the outside; to do this they place the under side upon a flat smooth board, and with the shell which our dealers call Tyger's tongue, Tellina gargadia, scrape it very carefully, dipping it continually in the water till nothing remains but the fine fibres of the inner coat.

Yet the northern character of the Norwich Crag is not fully shown by simply saying that it contains twelve northern species. It is the predominance of certain genera and species, such as Tellina calcarea, Astarte borealis, Scalaria groenlandica, and Fusus carinatus, which satisfies the mind of a conchologist as to the arctic character of the Norwich Crag.

Cardium Platense, d'Orbigny, "Voyage" Pal. 8. Tellina, probably nov. species, but too imperfect for description. Lithasteriscus tuberculatus. Lithodontium bursa. Lithodontium furcatum. Lithodontium rostratum. Lithostylidium Amphiodon. Lithostylidium Clepsammidium. Lithostylidium Hamus. Lithostylidium polyedrum. Lithostylidium quadratum. Lithostylidium rude. Lithostylidium Serra.

The presence of these northern shells cannot be explained away by supposing that they were inhabitants of the deep parts of the sea; for some of them, such as Tellina calcarea and Astarte borealis, occur plentifully, and sometimes, with the valves united by their ligament, in company with other littoral shells, such as Mya arenaria and Littorina rudis, and evidently not thrown up from deep water.

The Acephala found living in the Littoral zone of the south-east Australian province were Cleidotherus chamoides, under rocks at low-water in Port Jackson; Mytilus erosus on the mud of zostera flats at Port Dalrymple, several species of Venus, Tapes, Cytherea in similar localities; Arca globata in the same habitat at Brisbane; Arca fuscata in reefs at Port Dalrymple; a new Tellina on mud at Port Phillip; another with Donax epidermia in sand at Broken Bay, and Clavagella australis on rocks at low-water, Port Jackson.

Tellina obliqua also approaches very near to a shell now living in Japan. Marine drift containing the last-mentioned Nucula and other glacial shells reaches a height of from 1000 to 1200 feet in the county of Wexford, south of Dublin.

The incumbent till or boulder clay is about 40 feet thick, but it often attains much greater thickness in the same part of Scotland. Pecten islandicus, Moll. Natica clausa, Bred. Trophon clathratum, Linne. Leda truncata. a. Exterior of left valve. b. Tellina calcarea, Chem. Outside of left valve. b.

In the upper part of the laminated clays a skeleton of a whale was found associated with casts of the characteristic shells, Nucula Cobboldiae and Tellina obliqua, already referred to as no longer inhabiting our seas, and as being extinct varieties if not species. The same shells occur in a perfect state in the lower part of the formation.

Cyrena Duchastelii, Nyst : 1838. The following marine shells occur mixed with the freshwater species above enumerated: Buccinum undatum, Littorina littorea, Nassa reticulata, Purpura lapillus, Tellina solidula, Cardium edule, and fragments of some others.

Interior of right valve of a small specimen, from Shacklewell, London. d. LIVING: Tellina fluminalis, O.F. Muller : 1774. Venus fluminalis Euphratis, Chemnitz : 1782. Cyclas Euphratica, Lam. : 1806. Cyrena cor, Lam. Cyrena Cashmiriensis, Desh. : Corbicuia fluminalis, Muhlfeldt. : 1811. FOSSIL: Cyrena trigonula, S. Woodward : 1834. Cyrena Gemmellarii, Philippi : 1836.