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The plants were in general different from those nearer the colony, and though they were few in number, yet they were curious. Of grasses I gathered seeds of twenty-five different kinds, six of which grew only on the alluvial bank of the Darling. Among them were a poa, and the Chloris truncata, and Stipa setacea of Mr. Brown.

King has remarked, by the fact that at West Runton, north-west of Cromer, the Mya truncata and Leda myalis are found with both valves united and erect in the loam, all with their posterior or siphuncular extremities uppermost.

The same idea is applied to the explanation of a similar anomaly in the Fauna of the Aegean: That epoch was doubtless the newer Pliocene or Glacial Era, when the Mya truncata and other northern forms now extinct in the Mediterranean, and found fossil in the Sicilian tertiaries, ranged into that sea.

In the interval we must suppose repeated oscillations of level, during which land covered with trees, an estuary with its freshwater shells, and the sea with its Mya truncata and other mollusca still retaining their erect position, gained by turns the ascendency.

The incumbent till or boulder clay is about 40 feet thick, but it often attains much greater thickness in the same part of Scotland. Pecten islandicus, Moll. Natica clausa, Bred. Trophon clathratum, Linne. Leda truncata. a. Exterior of left valve. b. Tellina calcarea, Chem. Outside of left valve. b.