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Nowe, lass, he never knowed me until one neet he seemed to come to hissel, and then he looked at me and said, "Mother!" But it wur all he said he never spok' at after. 'Yi; but yo' see'd yur lad dee and mine deed afore I could get to him. 'That is so, lass! but as aw stood an' see'd mine deein', I would ha' gien onything if I could ha' shut mi een, or not bin wi' him.

They pulled up suddenly and drew pistols from their holsters; but on seeing only a fair youth armed with a bow, they replaced their weapons, and with a look of surprise rode up and assailed him with a volley of unintelligible Portuguese. "Do any of you speak English?" inquired Martin, advancing. One of the horsemen replied, "Yees, I spok one leet. Ver' smoll. Where you be com?"

Let's be a' thegither, he said, and gave you all his blessing. O my dear laddie, why were nae you and Davie here? He would have had a happier passage. He spok of both of ye all night most beautiful, and how ye used to stravaig on the Saturday afternoons, and of auld Kelvinside.

"Just so," said Flaggan; "but it's not common to hear of Moors bein' taken aboard our men o' war, d'ee see. It's that as puzzles me." "Oh, that's easy to 'splain," returned Ali. "The fac' is, I'd bin for sev'l year aboord a Maltese trader 'tween Meddrainean an' Liverp'l, and got so like a English tar you coodn't tell the one fro' the oder. Spok English, too, like natif."

They pulled up suddenly and drew pistols from their holsters; but on seeing only a fair youth armed with a bow, they replaced their weapons, and with a look of surprise rode up and assailed him with a volley of unintelligible Portuguese. "Do any of you speak English?" inquired Martin, advancing. One of the horsemen replied, "Yees, I spok one leet. Ver' smoll. Where you be com?"

'Aw welly think he does, lass; but durnd bother him naa. He's happen restin', poor little lad; or happen he's telling them as is up aboon all abaat thee who knows? 'Aw say, Gronny, Jesus made deead fo'k yer Him when He spok', didn't He? 'Yi, lass, He did forsure. 'Who wur that lass He spok' to when He turned 'em all aat o' th' room, wi' their noise and shaatin'?

You are a foreigner, I perceive," said Fred Westly in French, but the stranger shook his head. "I not un'erstan'." "Ah! a German, probably," returned Fred, trying him with the language of the Fatherland; but again the stranger shook his head. "You mus' spok English. I is a Swedish man; knows noting but a leetil English."

'Molly o' Long Shay were noan sich a beauty, bud aw felt as aw could aw liked to ha' kuss'd her that day, an' no mistak'. "Ey, Molly," aw said, "if aw thought thaa spok' truth, aw'd see Betty to-neet." "See her, mon," hoo said, "an' get th' job sattled." 'Well, yo' mun know, Mr.

Let's be a' thegither, he said, and gave you all his blessing. O my dear laddie, why were nae you and Davie here? He would have had a happier passage. He spok of both of ye all night most beautiful, and how ye used to stravaig on the Saturday afternoons, and of auld Kelvinside.

Me berry clebber fellow know most ebbery ting. Me hab doo'd good service to dis here country. Me can fight like one leopard, and me hab kill great few elephant and gorilla. Not much mans here hab shoot de gorilla, him sich terriferick beast; 'bove five foot six tall, and bigger round de breast dan you or me dat is a great true fact. Also, me can spok Englis'."