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They dun middlin', tak 'em one wi' another, an' considerin' that they're noan use't to th' wark. Th' hommer fo's leet wi' 'em; but we dunnot like to push 'em so mich, yo known for what's a shillin' a day? Aw know some odd uns i' this delph at never tastes fro mornin' till they'n done at neet, an' says nought abeawt it, noather. But they'n families.

'It's none o' my doing, said Philip; 'there's business to be done, and John Foster says I'm to do it; and I'm to start to-morrow. 'I'll not turn thee out wi'out thy ruffled shirt, if I sit up a' neet, said Alice, resolutely. 'Niver fret thyself, mother, about t' shirt, said Philip. 'If I need a shirt, London's not what I take it for if I can't buy mysel' one ready-made.

An if yo doan't coom and keep your good-for-nothin niece in her place, and make udder foak keep a civil tongue i' their head to your wife, I'll leave your house this neet, as sure as I wor born a Martin! Reuben stumbled into the house. There was a wild rush downstairs, and Louie fell upon him, David's blow showing ghastly plain in her white quivering face. 'Whar's Davy? she said.

And hoo did sing an' o'. An' Enoch welly blew his lips off wi' playin', I con tell thi. But, somehaa or other, hoo never cared to come and sing i' these parts after, and they never geet Enoch to tak' th' piccolo accompaniment agen to "How beautiful are th' feet." 'Nowe, an' they never will. I somehaa think I had summat to do wi' spoilin' th' beauty of "their feet" that neet, Mr.

'Yo'll like it when once yo're there, said Kinraid, with a travelled air of superiority, as Philip fancied. 'No, I shan't, he replied, shortly. 'Liking has nought to do with it. 'Ah' yo' knew nought about it last neet, continued Daniel, musingly. 'Well, life's soon o'er; else when I were a young fellow, folks made their wills afore goin' to Lunnon.

But she sat down, and, clasping her hands round her knees, while the primroses she had stuck in her hat dangled over her defiant eyes, she looked at him with a grinning composure. 'Yo can read out if yo want to, she remarked. 'Yo doan't deserve nowt, an I shan't, said David, shortly. 'Then I'll tell Aunt Hannah about how yo let t' lambs stray lasst evenin, and about yor readin at neet.

At the sound of the knocker Hannah rose, put away her work with deliberation, snuffed the candle, and then moved with it to the door of the kitchen. The boy watched her with a quickly beating heart and whirling brain. She opened the door. 'Whar yo bin? she demanded sternly. 'I'd like to know what business yo have to coom in this time o' neet, an your uncle fro whoam.

"And he didn't send nothin' to his mother? Nothin' besides the message?" she went on. "Well, I call it a sin and a shame; 'twas scarce worth your while to seek us out for that." "Howd thy din, Mary," cried Mrs. Rigby angrily. "Not worth while! Why, I'll bless the gentleman for it, an' pray for him day an' neet while I live. Wick an' hearty. My lad's wick an' hearty, an' I was afeared he wur dead.

'Yo'll like it when once yo're there, said Kinraid, with a travelled air of superiority, as Philip fancied. 'No, I shan't, he replied, shortly. 'Liking has nought to do with it. 'Ah' yo' knew nought about it last neet, continued Daniel, musingly. 'Well, life's soon o'er; else when I were a young fellow, folks made their wills afore goin' to Lunnon.

I want thee to remember it allus, an' to moind him 'at's dead, an' let his little hond howd thee back fro' sin an' hard thowts. I'll pray fur thee neet an' day, Tim, an' tha shalt pray fur me, an' happen theer'll come a leet.