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As to the first, it was very quiet and colloquial. The preacher dwelt on the tortured body, the choking breath, the failing sight, the talk of relations and friends round the bed. 'Ay, poor fellow, he'll not lasst mich longer; t' doctor's gien him up and a good thing too, for his sufferins are terr'ble to see. 'And your poor dying ears will catch what they say.

Them coins, Isaac' he pointed a slow finger at Bessie, whose white, fierce face moved involuntarily 'them 'arf-crowns wor paid across the bar lasst night, or the night afore, at Dawson's, by yor wife, as is now stannin there, an she'll deny it if she can! For an instant the whole group preserved their positions the breath suspended on their lips.

Then he undid the string of it with his large awkward fingers, and pushed the stool across to David. 'Theer's sixty pund theer, Davy sixty pund! Yo can keawnt it it's aw reet. A've saved it for yo, this four year four year coom lasst Michaelmas Day. Hannah nor nobory knew owt abeawt it. But it's yourn it's yor share, being t' half o' Mr. Gurney's money.

An at lasst when Jenny an I opened t' door again juist a cranny like theer he was, takin hissel off his fadther screamin afther him an he wi his Papish coat, an his head hangin as thoo there wor a load o' peaet on it an his hands crossed soa pious! Aye, theer he goes! an he may goa!" cried Polly, her face flaming as it followed the Jesuit out of sight.

His long, lank face, his weather-stained clothes, his great, twisted hand were all of the same colour the colour of wintry grass and lichened rock. But his eyes were bright and blue, and a vivid streak of white hair fell across his high forehead. As the girl asked her question, the old man's air of fatherly concern became more marked. "Mut yo goa, missie? It did yo noa gude lasst time."

Doan't ye fash yersel. Maybe it ull comfort ye to knaw summat! Lasst Midsummer Day aa was on t' Shanmoor road, i' t' gloaming. An' aa saw theer t' bogle thee knaws, t' bogle o' Bleacliff Tarn; an' she turned hersel, an' she spoak to me!

"Sie sprach zu ihm behende, Wie lasst du mich so lang In der Obrigkeit Hande? Hilf mir aus ihren Zwang, Wie du mir hast verheissen, Ich bin ja eben dein, Thu mich aus der Angst entreissen O liebster Buhle mein? Him, when the witch saw, she thought he was her familiar. She said to him quickly, "Why hast thou left me so long in the magistrate's hands?

"Yo're lyin'," he cried; "yer want to throw it off on some one. How cud Timothy 'ave 'ad anythin' to do with John's money? Timothy's not been near the place this three months." "Not till lasst night," she said, mocking him. "I'll grant yer not till lasst night. But it do 'appen, as lasst night Timothy took forty-one pound o' John Borroful's money out o' that box, an got off clean.

H. wrote to you about the Aix Musical Festival, which, upon the whole, was satisfactory, both in arrangement and execution, although OUR FRIEND Hiller may demonstrate in the COLOGNE GAZETTE that I have no talent either as a conductor or a composer. The TANNHAUSER overture went splendidly, and your autogragh "ich lieg und besitze, lasst mich schlafen" has given me a happy moment.

But she sat down, and, clasping her hands round her knees, while the primroses she had stuck in her hat dangled over her defiant eyes, she looked at him with a grinning composure. 'Yo can read out if yo want to, she remarked. 'Yo doan't deserve nowt, an I shan't, said David, shortly. 'Then I'll tell Aunt Hannah about how yo let t' lambs stray lasst evenin, and about yor readin at neet.