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"The truth is," said I, "I went to Llanfair to see the birth-place of a great man the cleverest Anglesey ever produced." "Then you went wrong," said Mr Bos, "you went to the wrong parish, you should have gone to Penmynnydd; the clebber man of Anglesey was born and buried at Penmynnydd, you may see his tomb in the church."

"You should have learnt to swim when you were young," said I, "and to dive too. I know one who has brought up stones from the bottom, I daresay, of deeper pools than either, but he was a Saxon, and at carnal things, you know, none so clebber as the Saxons." I found my guide a first-rate walker and a good botanist, knowing the names of all the plants and trees in Welsh.

"Are Saxons then so very clever?" "Oh yes, sir; who so clebber? The clebberest people in Llangollen are Saxons; that is, at carnal things for at spiritual things I do not think them at all clebber. Look at Mr A., sir." "Who is he?" "Do you not know him, sir? I thought everybody knew Mr A. He is a Saxon, sir, and keeps the inn on the road a little way below where you live.

"Not I; she clebber young lady den, and she werry clebber young lady now." And this of my venerable grandmother, who had fairly seen her four-score years! "Who might be der master of das big house now?" "Gin'ral Littlepage, doesn't I tell ye! Masser Mordaunt's name, my young master. Sus, dere, only Injin; he nebber so lucky as hab a good master.

Well, me and Miss Phillis used to dress up hansum for dinner to set good sample to niggars, and two ob de coloured waiters tended on us. "So one day, said Miss Phillis to me: 'What shall I ab de honor to help yaw to, Mr Sorrow? "'Aunt Phillis, sais I, 'skuse me one minit, I ab made a grand 'skivery. "'What is dat, uncle, sais she, 'you is so clebber! I clare you is wort your weight in gold.

If you didn't, where did you get your education?" "I have heard of Owen Tudor," said I, "but never understood that he was particularly clever; handsome he undoubtedly was but clever " "How not clebber?" interrupted Mr Bos. "If he wasn't clebber, who was clebber? Didn't he marry a great queen, and was not Harry the Eighth his great grandson?"

But done you be 'fraid. Dem on'y 'tupid savage. Pomp too clebber let um cotch him 'gain." In spite of my anxiety I could not help smiling at my companion's conceit, and his reference to "'tupid" savages. Pomp's connection with civilisation was making its mark upon him in other ways beside the rapid manner in which he had acquired our tongue.

Me berry clebber fellow know most ebbery ting. Me hab doo'd good service to dis here country. Me can fight like one leopard, and me hab kill great few elephant and gorilla. Not much mans here hab shoot de gorilla, him sich terriferick beast; 'bove five foot six tall, and bigger round de breast dan you or me dat is a great true fact. Also, me can spok Englis'."

"Yes, an' a bery clebber 'rangement for de lan'lord. He's a cute man de lan'lord. I s'pose you's agwine?" "No, I am not going. I have received no invitation; besides, I have no evening dress." "Bless you, massa, you don't need no invitation, nor evenin' dress needer! You just go as you are, an' it's all right." "But I have no wish to go. I would rather prepare for an early start to-morrow."

You go up road there past church come to house, knock at door say what you want and nice little girl show you church. Ah, you quite right to come and see church fine tomb there and clebber man sleeping in it with his wife, clebber man that Owen Tiddir; married great queen dyn clebber iawn."