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Hip! hip! hurrah!" and the Boy danced a breakdown on the roof till the others had come out, and then he hurled the moose-meat down over the stockade, and sent the placard flying after. They all gathered round Mac and read it. "Be the Siven!" "Well, I swan!" "Don't forget, Boy, you're not takin' any." "Just remember, if it hadn't been for me it might have stayed up there till spring."

"Arre ye contint wid that gowld-mine at Minóok? No, be the Siven! What's wan gowld-mine to a millionaire? What forr wud ye be prospectin that desert oiland, you and yer faithful man Froyday, if ye wasn't rooned intoirely be riches?" The Boy tore himself away from his old friends, and followed the arbiter of his fate. The engines had started up again, and they were going on.

"Not a doubt ov it," replied the Irishman, stoutly, "and going good siven knots an hour by the log, too, at that! I rec'lect that v'yage o' mine in that schooner well, too, by the same token! It was there I found that Manilla guernsey ov mine so handy ag'in' the could." "A Manilla guernsey?" said Jorrocks, in much amazement.

'It is throwin' away my time I have been all my life, says he; 'livin' with you at all, and stuck at a loom, nothin' but a poor waiver, when it is Saint George or the Dhraggin I ought to be, which is two of the siven champions o' Christendom. 'Well, suppose they christened him twice as much, says the wife; 'sure, what's that to uz?

"But, faith, whin I'd been here a week, I seen that there was nawthin' but mud undher th' pavement, I larned that be means iv a pick-axe at tin shillin's th' day, an' that, though there was plenty iv goold, thim that had it were froze to it; an' I come west, still lookin' f'r mines. Th' on'y mine I sthruck at Pittsburgh was a hole f'r sewer pipe. I made it. Siven shillin's th' day.

At the sound of the Boy's voice a red face hanging over the stern broke into a broad grin. "Be the Siven! Air ye the little divvle himself, or air ye the divvle's gran'fatherr?" The apparition in the canoe was making fast and preparing to board the ship. "Can't take another passenger. Full up!" said the Captain. He couldn't hear what was said in reply, but he shook his head.

Ye're beyond th' sound iv th' alarm clock an' th' facthry whistle an' beginnin' th' Big Day Off whin th' man iv Science shakes ye be th' elbow an' says: 'Ye've got to weigh out. An' he weighs figures: 'Wan hundhred an' forty-siven fr'm wan hundhred an' fifty. Siven fr'm naught can't be done; borry wan; siven fr'm ten leaves three.

No, your honor: I tether the boat at siven o'hlyock, and lave Brimstone Billy God forgimme! to take care of it t'll mornin." "It will be stolen some night, I'm afraid." "Arra, who'd dar come next or near it, let alone stale it? Faith, I'd think twice before lookin at it meself in the dark. God bless your honor, an gran'che long life." I had given him sixpence.

The minit the door opened, the divil runs and hides himself behind a big elbow-chair; and the colonel was frekened almost out of his siven sinses by raison of the sudden death of his poor lady, let alone the jeopardy he was in himself, seein' how the divil had forestalled him every way; and after ringin' his bell and callin' to his sarvants and recoverin' his daughter out of her faint, he was goin' away wid her out of the room, whin the divil caught howld of him by the skirt of the coat, and the colonel was obleeged to let his daughter be carried out by the sarvants, and shut the door afther them.

'By the hokey, this is too bad intirely, says the dhraggin; 'but if you won't let go, says he, 'by the powers o' wildfire, I'll give you a ride that 'ill astonish your siven small sinses, my boy'; and, with that, away he flew like mad; and where do you think he did fly? bedad, he flew sthraight for Dublin, divil a less.