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"Yes," as an Irish fisherman remarked, "it was a great day intoirely," that day at Short Blue Cottage, and as no description can do it full justice, we will turn to other matters remarking, however, before quitting the subject, that we do not tell the reader the exact spot where the cottage is situated, as publicity on this point might subject our modest captain to much inconvenience!

"I peen bit all ofer py does cendibedes!" "Begorra! there's a bushel av th' craythers hangin' to me!" shouted the Irish lad. "Oi'm a dead b'y intoirely!" "Hel-lup! hel-lup!" howled Hans, dismally. Out into the center of the room danced the two boys, fighting, clawing, striking at various parts of their bodies, where the crawfish persistently clung.

To defy the whole gang in so uncompromising a manner was undoubtedly a bold game to play, but it proved to be the right thing to do; for as I stared the Irishman unshrinkingly in the eyes I saw his gaze wavering under mine, and presently his scowling expression relaxed into a smile as he exclaimed: "Begorra, Misther Conyers, ye're a brave man intoirely to brazen the thing out in that stoyle, one against sixteen of us.

"It is mesilf agrays with you intoirely," said she sympathetically. "Not but what I do freely admit," said Mrs. Tapping, pursuing her topic in a spirit of magnanimity, "that young Rundle himself never makes bold, and is always civil spoke, which we might expect, seeing what is called for, measuring soles.

I'm bitten in siventane different places intoirely! Wurra! wurra! Musha! musha! Th' bed is full av crawling crathers!" "Cendibedes!" howled Hans. "Cintipades!" shrieked Barney. Out of the beds they scrambled in hot haste, and to each one six or eight of the crawfish were clinging. "Wao-w!" roared Hans. "Whoop!" bellowed Barney. "I peen kilt alretty yet!" shrieked the Dutch boy.

He stepped on the bridge to find Karl wringing his hands, and "Four-Eyes" was no less uneasy. "Faith, sorr," said he, as soon as we had come aboard, "it's bad times intoirely if ye've no oil we've been working two engines for three days, and we'll be sore put to ut to kape the third going, if ye can't mend us."

"I'm Bridget Mahoney, young masther," the old Irishwoman answered, "at your service, sorr." "I hear you haven't found your son yet," Hamilton said; "did you write to him before you left the old country?" "I did, dear, but I intoirely disremember what I did wid the letther.

Yes, as one of the Irish guests remarked, `It was a great occasion intoirely, and it will be long before the event is forgotten, for the noble deeds of our Greyton lifeboat are, from this day forward, intimately and inseparably connected with her coxswain's wedding!"

One Irish "American" was describing to another the glories of a procession which had made night hideous to those not particularly interested in it; and he closed the glowing account by saying, "Oh, it wuz an illigent purrceshin intoirely! Div'l a naygur or a Yankee int' ut!" Doubtless this gentleman would think an election equally illigant in which neither a naygur nor a Yankee presumed to vote.

Jack, would ye moind hilpin' me move the bid; shure, it's rale mahogany, an' so heavy it breaks me back intoirely to push it 'round." He took hold willingly enough, and the two together ran the heavy contrivance across the room to the position selected. Once a leg caught in the rag carpet, and Keith lifted it out, bending low to get a firmer grip. Then he held out his hand to the girl.