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Rajamasha is a kind of bean. It is the Vinga sinensis, syn. Dilicheos sinensis Linn. There may be akama and sakama acts, i.e., acts without desires of fruit and acts with desires of fruit. A Sraddha with Tila or sesame should never be done without desire for fruit. When a residential house is given away unto such a Brahmana and the receiver resides in it, the giver reaps the reward indicated.

The berries are in no respect inferior in flavour to those of the parent country." THE DAMMAR, A SPECIES OF PINUS. Sinensis delt. Swaine Sc. The dammar is a kind of turpentine or resin from a species of pine, and used for the same purposes to which that and pitch are applied. It is exported in large quantities to Bengal and elsewhere.

Bear, bruang: generally small and black: climbs the coconut-trees in order to devour the tender part or cabbage. THE PALANDOK, A DIMINUTIVE SPECIES OF MOSCHUS. Sinensis delt. THE KIJANG OR ROE, Cervus muntjak. W. Bell delt. A. Cardon sc.

The mere man of the world, who insists that no other terms but such as occur in common conversation should be employed in a scientific disquisition, and with no greater precision, is as truly a pedant as the man of letters, who either over-rating the acquirements of his auditors, or misled by his own familiarity with technical or scholastic terms, converses at the wine-table with his mind fixed on his museum or laboratory; even though the latter pedant instead of desiring his wife to make the tea should bid her add to the quant. suff. of thea Sinensis the oxyd of hydrogen saturated with caloric.

Emperor Napoleon III. Eugenie. Fitz Quihou. Glorie de Belgique. Gloria Mundi. Gueldres Rose. Honneur de Flandre. Imperator. Jules Caesar. La Superbe. Louis Hellebuyck. Madame Baumann. Marie Verschaffelt. Mathilde. Meteor. Nancy Waterer. Ne Plus Ultra. Optima. Pallas. Queen Victoria. Reine des Belges. Remarquable. Roi des Belges. Roi des Feux. Sinensis rosea. Sulphurea. Triumphans. Unique.

Gleditschia sinensis, introduced in 1774 from China, gave two seedlings without spines in the year 1823, in the nursery of Caumzet. It is curious in being one of the rare instances where a simultaneous mutation in two specimens is acknowledged, because as a rule, such records comply with the prevailing, though inexact, belief that horticultural mutations always appear in single individuals.

The original Wistaria is a woody leguminous climber with showy blossoms, native to the middle Atlantic States; the other species, which we so much prize in cultivation, W. Sinensis, is from China, as its name denotes, or perhaps only from Japan, where it is certainly indigenous. Its only and very near relative, Maackia, is confined to Mantchooria.

Many circumstances respecting their ravages, and the modes of destroying them, will occur in the course of the work. THE MUSANG, A SPECIES OF VIVERRA. W. Bell delt. A. Cardon fc. THE LANDAK, Hystrix longicauda. Sinensis delt. A. Cardon fc. THE TANGGILING OR PENG-GOLING-SISIK, A SPECIES OF MANIS. W. Bell delt. A. Cardon fct. N. Cardon fct.

As others of the genus of lacerta they feed on flies and grasshoppers, which the large size of their mouths and peculiar structure of their bony tongues are well adapted for catching. THE KUBIN, Draco volans. Sinensis delt. A. Cardon sc. These do not connect with the fore and hind legs, as in the bat tribe, but are supported by an elongation of the alternate ribs, as pointed out by my friend Mr.

Tea, like all other things, may be abused, and a good friend be converted into an enemy. But cold water has killed many persons, and plain bread sometimes proves indigestible. The plant whose leaves yield the tea of commerce is variously termed Camellia Theifera; Thea Sinensis; or Chinensis; Thea Assamica; Thea Bohea and Thea Viridis, according to its origin, variety of the writer's fancy.