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"It brings one in contact with such low, imitative creatures; one really is safe nowhere nowadays unless under glass at the Louvre or South Kensington." "And they get even there," sighed the gres de Flandre.

Thus the Congo journey takes on a constant element of hazard because you do not know what moment you will run aground on a sand-bank, be impaled on a snag, or strike a rock. Although the "Comte de Flandre" was rated as the fastest craft on the Congo our progress was unusually slow because of the scarcity of wood for fuel.

On the desk from behind which the Proprietress ruled her staff, enormous pink peonies in a tall pot of Grez de Flandre. Behind the desk Paula Conway, incredibly neat and business-like, her black hair severely braided, her plain black gown fitting a figure grown lean as any grey-hound's, her lace collar a marvel of fine laundry work.

"I knew all the Hirschvögel, from old Veit downwards," said a fat grès de Flandre beer-jug: "I myself was made at Nürnberg." And he bowed to the great stove very politely, taking off his own silver hat I mean lid with a courtly sweep that he could scarcely have learned from burgomasters.

The town is ugly and beautiful; it is like a dull quaint grés de Flandre jug, that has precious stones set inside its rim.

To-night there was no music, but usually there is, and we will suppose that many amorous glances are exchanged, as is everywhere the case. The old tower and the old priest show a certain indulgence; the maiden, on the contrary, finds this phase of love stupid. She scorns it. It is the love of the world, says the priest; and here is the Hôtel de Flandre and the wedding dance-music."

For our purpose the best approach to Brussels was by way of Ghent. Luther pushed on ahead while I was finishing a story. Ghent lies thirty miles west of Antwerp. The trip took seven hours. During the course of it I passed north of the Belgian lines and through the western sector of forts, that is to say, Fort St. Nicholas, Fort Haesdonck, and Fort Tete de Flandre.

Je le croyois en Flandre, et en conséquence, voulant me rendre près de lui par les marches (frontières) de Bar et de Lorraine, je pris la route de Vésou; mais

He intended to make it a great naval station, and it would have been of vast importance to him in carrying out his plans for the invasion of England. The works on the opposite side of the river, called 'Tête de Flandre, were the beginning of an immense military town.

Victor Hugo, who traveled through Flanders in 1837, stopped for a time in Malines, and was so impressed with the carillon that he is said to have written there the following lines by moonlight with a diamond upon the window-pane in his room: "J'aime le carillon dans tes cités Antiques, O vieux pays, gardien de tes moeurs domestiques, Noble Flandre, le Nord se réchauffe engourdi Au soleil de Castille et s'accouple au Midi.