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"And I will prove to you that we can," insisted the other. "The power which I shall use is strongest known. But it depends on you and your young assistants." "On us?" asked Jack. "Yes," replied Mr. Santell Roumann. "If and Professor Henderson can build the proper projectile, we shall go." "A projectile!" exclaimed Jack. "A projectile," said Mr. Roumann again.

"He's got company," went on Washington, as if he had just thought of that. "Company?" exclaimed both boys. "Yyais." "Who is it?" "Why, his name am Santell Roumann." "What an odd name!" commented Mark. "Is he a doctor?" asked Jack. "He speaks wid a Germannes aceetnuation," said Washington. "He suttinly uses de most ogilistic conglomerations " "If he can beat you, he's a wonder," said Jack.

But the spirit of adventure was still strong in the hearts of the boys and the professor. One day, in the midst of some risky experiments at college, Jack and Mark, as related in "Through Space to Mars," received a telegram from Professor Henderson, calling them home. There they found their friend entertaining as a guest Professor Santell Roumann, who was almost as celebrated as was Mr.

"Ah, boys," remarked the older professor, as he caught sight of them, "I hope I didn't disturb you by sending for you." "No; Jack and I were only having a red-hot discussion about diamonds on the moon," said Mark, with a laugh. "Diamonds on the moon!" exclaimed Professor Henderson. "Diamonds on the moon?" repeated his friend, Prof. Santell Roumann. "Is this a joke, boys?"

He's chock full obscientistical bombasticness an' labiodentalisms," said the colored man. "I guess the professor wanted us to meet him and learn something that we couldn't in college," spoke Mark. "Well, we'll soon be there." "Yes," assented Jack. "I want to find out what it's all about. Santell Roumann that's an odd name." "An' he's a mighty odd man," supplemented Washington.

Before the first year of their college course was completed, however, Professor Henderson, in partnership with a brother scientist, Professor Santell Roumann, projected and carried through a marvelous campaign with the aid of Jack and Mark, which is narrated in our fourth volume, entitled, "Through Space to Mars."

"Very likely. But who is the man in with Professor Henderson, and what is the wonderful journey he is talking about?" "Dat gen'man in wid de perfesser am also a perfessor." Explained Washington in a whisper. "He's Perfesser Santell Roumann. Now I 'spects I'd better saggasiate mahself inter proximity t' de culinary reservation." "You mean you've got to go to the kitchen?" asked Jack with a smile.

"Boys, be seated," spoke their guardian, and Jack and Mark took chairs. "Mr. Santell Roumann is an inventor, like myself," went on Mr. Henderson. "I have known him for several years, but I had not seen him in a long time, until he called on me the other day with his strange proposition. We used to attend the same college, but since his graduation he has been experimenting in Germany."