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In despair Dinah sought Haddon Brown and laid the case before him. "Dat man am suttinly gwine lose his min'," she sobbed, "ef he keep on like he doin'. Den what gwine become of me and dat in'cen' chile!" Young Brown casually and unostentatiously looked 'Rastus over, and was not satisfied with the survey.

"The thinking-place of Rameses the Great!" "Suttinly." "You must leave me alone here, Ibrahim." I watched his gold-colored robe vanish into the gold of the sun through the copper color of the columns. And I was quite alone in the "thinking-place" of Rameses.

"D'ye s'pose they break those up every day?" whispered Sandy to the more dignified Charlie. "Suttinly, suh," replied the colored man, overhearing the question; "suttinly, suh.

"An' also, dey suttinly do git up some mouty curious laws." He paused a moment as though in a still slightly dazed contemplation of the statutory idiosyncrasies of the Caucasian, and then added the key words: "F'rinstance, now, dey got a law dat you got to keep lions an' tigers in a cage. Yassuh, da's de law.

Now, Marse Benson, w’at happen to yo’ las’ night am all in de co’se ob a lifetime, an’ Ah hope you ain’t got no bad feelin’s. Yo’ suttinly done learn somet’ing new in de way ob tricks. Good-bye, sah, an’ mah compliments to yo’, Marse Benson.”

"Yas, sah; whole section vacant, sah, Numbah Five. Denvah; yas, sah, suttinly. Oh, I'll look after de lady all right. You ain't a-goin' 'long wid us, den, dis trip? Oh, yas; thank ye, sah. Sure, I'll see dat she gits dere, don't you worry none 'bout dat."

These, too, Benson passed up at the end of the cord. The mulatto disappeared, leaving the two dogs still on guard. At last, back came the light and the yellowish man with it. “Yo’ sho’ is good picking, Marse Benson,” grinned the guide of the night before. “Yo’ has good pin feathers. Ah hope Ah’ll suttinly meet yo’ again.” “I hope we do meet at another time!” Jack Benson flared back, wrathily.

"The best you could say of the McQuiggans, George, was that one wasn't much cusseder than the others, because he couldn't be. Human nature has its limitations, George." "It suttinly have, suh." "But if you had to allow a shade to any of 'em, it would probably have gone to the oldest brother, L.P. McQuiggan.

Golly! see de saw move!" cried the delighted colored man. He seized a stick of wood, and in a trice it was sawed through. "Whoop!" yelled Eradicate. "I'm sabed now! Bless yo', Mistah Swift, yo' suttinly am a wondah!" "Now I'll show you how it works," went on Tom. "When you want to stop Boomerang, you just pull this handle.

Wen I wakes up dis yeah rag is bein' jammed into mah mouf, an' dis yeah coat bein' wrapped round mah haid, an' dat dere rope bein' twisted round mah body, till it cuts mah ahms an' legs somethin' scand'lus. I dunno who dey wuz, but dey suttinly wuz thorough," Slim admitted. "Then you didn't hear anything?" Whitey demanded. "Heah? I couldn't 'a' heard a elephant cough," Slim declared.