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'Never mind whether I come from Maine or whether I come from Jaffy, says I, 'I come from sech a quarter of this 'arth as whar' coots is jest coots, says I." "Ye'd orter see the coots in Californy," wailed the voice of the shifty spectre on the outskirts. "Kind o' resemblin' cows in size, ain't they, Pershal?" "No, no; the biggest I ever seen was the size o' Shamgar's tom-turkey; but plenty?

But as I was sayin', though I fared no better at the next shop nor the next, there was one good woman I come to in a little shop in a back street, an' she was a resemblin' of yourself, miss, an' she took an' set me up in my trade, a givin' of me a few remnants o' colored calico, God bless her!

"Now," he went on, "it's because I feel that way, and because you're going to punch your freight team more than a hundred miles south next week to see if you can get a look at that 'Annie Laurie' woman it's because of those things that I want to help you if I can. And that's the truth or something resemblin' it, maybe. "Now listen, Tom. Madame Donatelli is no Dago, and she's not dead.

And I found myself close to the platform, listening to the cry of a man in gilt knickerbockers. "Ladies! Gentlemen! All!" he summoned. "Never in the history of the show business has there been anything resemblin' this. Come here here here here! See Zorah, queen of the West and princess of the East, who is about to begin one of her most sublimely sensational dances.

They made a grand march to the general goods counter, the Majoress still resemblin' a foreign queen. Arrived there, she took up a hairbrush, and with a motion the grandest I ever see in a human bein' she brought it down atop of Hadds' head. Whacko! Christmas, what a crack. "'Now, will you let my Willie alone? says she. "Hadds jumped up and down and rubbed his head.

'I'm twenty-two years old, come next grass, when Texas asserts herse'f as part of the confed'racy, an' I picks up a hand an' plays it in common with the other patriotic yooths of my region. Yes, I enters the artillery, but bein' as we don't have no cannon none at the jump I gets detailed as a aide ontil something resemblin' a battery comes pokin' along.

Never recollect nothin' resemblin' it since I been in politics. What you after?" "Jest pleasure, Lafe.... Jest pleasure. Is it a deal?" "It's a deal." "Amri outside?" "Standin' guard, Scattergood." "When you go out send him in." Amri opened the door that Lafe closed behind him. "All fixed," said Scattergood. "I want to see these boys to-night." Scattergood handed Amri a list of names.

Theah shall be nothing about this house I shall build fo' the Princess in any way resemblin' a hole in the ground. Holes in the ground are fo' wolves and prairie dogs and...." "And us," Cyclona finished grimly, then smiled. Seth, drawing himself up, gazed at her. In her own wild way Cyclona had grown to be beautiful, still brown as a Gypsy, but large of eye and red of lip.