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So long as theah are unfohtunates and downtrodden folks in this world, I'll have mah work cut out. I am, yo' might say, a soldier of misfohtune." "But yo're not goin'?" Tip cried, seeing the Texan swing himself into his saddle. "I'm just a rollin' stone usually a-rollin' toward trouble," said the Texan. "Some time, perhaps, we'll meet again. Adios!"

"Sure I'VE no accent. I just speak naturally. It's YOU have the accent to my way of thinkin'." "Really?" asked the amused Jerry. Peg imitated the young man's well-bred, polished tone: "Wah ye bawn theah?" Jerry laughed immoderately. Who was this extraordinary little person? was the one thought that was in his mind. "How would you say it?" he asked. "I'd say it naturally.

He pulled his horse to a halt not ten yards from the menacing shotgun. "Pahdon me, ma'am," he drawled, "but is theah anything I can do fo' yo', aside from bein' a tahget in yo' gun practice?" The figure in the buckboard was that of a woman! There was a moment's breathless pause. "There's nine buckshot in the other barrel," said a feminine voice a voice that for all its courage faltered a little.

"You goin' away, Miss Celia?" she asked in her soft Southern brogue, tuneful as the ripple of water. "I heah sumbody say you was goin' away." Celia smothered a sob. "Yes," she answered, "I am goin' away." "It's a long, long way out theah to the West," commented the girl wistfully as she counted out the change for the driver, "a long, long way!" As if the way had not seemed long enough!

Ah was a house niggeh an' futhamoah an' notwithstandin' Ah was th' pussenal propity of Miss Cahline. Yes, seh, Ah b'long dreckly to huh an' Ah bet them theah lawyehs at Wash'nt'n, seh, couldn't kentrive none a' they laws that woulda teched me, seh. No, seh they cain't lay th' law to Miss Cahline's pussenalities.

Released from the noose, the body sagged to the ground. "Just leave the noose theah," ordered The Kid. "It may be that the sheriff will have some use fo' it." "The sheriff!" Hardy repeated blankly. "Yes, he'll be heah soon," murmured Kid Wolf softly. "I have some business with yo' first. Maybe we'd bettah go to yo' office."

"A species of insanity it is," he muttered, "to bring such a woman to a hole in the ground." He bit his lip and frowned, "fo' theah ah women in whom the love of home, of country, is pa'amount. Above all human things, above husband, above children, she loves her home. Child! Celia has no child. Cyclona, has no one written to Celia that she has no child?" This wildly, his eyes insanely bright.

"Boyd ... on his other side! We'll try gettin' him across together." "Yes, Drew." Boyd's voice sounded unsteady, but he did not hesitate to bring his own mount in on Croxton's right. "You'd best let me take that theah jump first, soldier." The stranger sent his horse in ahead of Drew's. "It don't necessarily foller that because that's water a man can jus' natcherly git hisself across in one piece.

Why, that was Hodgson one of my best men! Go on, young man! Go on with yore story!" In a few words, the Texan told of bringing the half-breed to the saloon across the street, and of his reception there. "They-all told me to cleah out," he finished whimsically, "so I cleahed out the Idle Hour. Or rathah, I got the job started. Some one theah," he added, "handed me this note. That's why I'm heah."

The moon's gone down. Where to, now?" "To Mariposa. We can get theah by dawn, and if the boys are ready we can turn the trick." "Then let's go, Kid!" Five minutes later the two were pounding the trail northward toward the Rio Grande! The east was streaked with pink and orange when The Kid and Harry Thomas rode into the sleeping town of Mariposa.