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"'Now, on the squar', an' I'm as s'prised about it as you be I'm more'n s'prised, I'm pained I don't allow, lookin' over results an' recallin' the fact of that b'ar-cub infant child, that for all her blushin', an' all her tears, an' kissin' that Captain party good-by that a-way, that the Sanders girl cares a hoss-h'ar rope for him in a week.

I got thinkin' of Pa's one day; an' I went to a pasty shop an' I says, 'Have you got crullers? The gal behind the counter says, 'Yes: how many? I, recallin' Pa's, an' feelin' weak in the pit of my stomach frum hunger, I answered back, 'Three dozen! The gal leaped back a step; then she hauled out a bag 'bout the size of a bushel an' begins shovellin' in round, humpy things, most all hole in the centre but considerable sizable as t' girth.

Four days later, as I'm swingin' 'round the range, I finds Falstaff an' Pistol in Long's Canyon; Prince Hal is on the Caliente; while Hotspur an' his air is both wise an' sad- -is tamely where he belongs on the Upper Red. An' now recallin' how I comes to plunge into this yere idyl, I desires to ask you-all, however Prince Hal brings Faistaff to the wars that time, if cattle can't talk?"

"Ivry time I go up into th' park to see me old frind th' illyphant I wondher what dhreams ar-re goin' on behind that nose iv his that he uses akelly as a garden hose, a derrick, or a knife an' fork. Is he recallin' th' happy days at Barnum's befure brutal man sunk an ice pick into him an' dhrove him to th' park? Is there some wan still there that he thinks iv?

I'd bin cruisin' about her off an' on for a considerable time, tryin' to make up my mind to go into action, an' screwin' my courage up to the stickin' pint by recallin' all the fine sentiments that has carried Jack-tars through fire an' smoke, shot and shell since the world began `England expects every man to do his dooty, `Never say die, `Hookey Bunkum, an' such like.

Now, talk wid a female is an agreeable, if not a profitable, way av passin’ the toime, but sure ye niver know where it will indas witness Simpson. This lady I’m recallin’’tis a matther av two years agofollowed the ancient and honorable profission av biscuit shootin’ not far from Caspar.

Nacherally, then, I thinks bein' as how you can't bluff your way into heaven, an' recallin' the bad language I uses workin' them cattle I won't even try. An' that's why, when resolvin' one winter to get religion mebby next June, I persists in my sinful life. "'It's over to Taos I acquires this religious idee.

"He must hev wanted you to slope with him?" "Yes. I wouldn't go." "An' then he hit you?" "Yes." "Wal, recallin' your talk of yestiddy, I can't see as Mister Riggs lasted much longer hyar than he'd hev lasted in Texas. We've some of thet great country right in our outfit." The girl withdrew her white face. "It's break camp, boys," was the leader's order. "A couple of you look up them hosses.

But as I states, for what you-all would brand as clean. strain romance, I ain't recallin' none." "How about those love affairs of your youth?" I ventured. "Which I don't deny," replied the old gentleman, between puffs, "that back in Tennessee, as I onfolds before, I has my flower- scented days.

Dey called him de 'Boss Man. He always carried a big whup an' when dem Niggers got sassy, dey got de whup 'crost dey hides. "Lawsy! I's recallin' de time when de big old houn' dog what fin' de run-away Niggers done die wid fits. Dat man Duncan, he say us gwina hol' fun'al rites over dat dog. He say us Niggers might better be's pow'ful sad when us come to dat fun'al.