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There are two other boys missing, Providence Smith and Julian Fleming. Did either of them" But Mrs. Tribbs had interrupted him with a gesture of impatient relief. "Oh, that's all, is it? Playin' hookey together, in course. 'Scuse me, I must go back to my bakin'." She turned away, but stopped suddenly, touched, as the master fondly believed, by some tardy maternal solicitude.

Now, I am convinced that something of this kind was intended by our lawgivers in the act of parliament to which I have alluded, and that its programme might run thus thatas the office of Lord Lieutenant in Ireland is one of great responsibility, high trust, and necessarily demanding profuse expenditure; and that, as it may so happen that the same should, in the course of events, be filled by some Whig-Radical viceroy of great pretension and little property; and that as the ordinary sum for maintaining his dignity may be deemed insufficient, we hereby give him the exclusive liberty and privilege of all games of chance, skill, or address, in the kingdom of Ireland, whether the same may be chicken-hazard, blind hookey, head and tail, &c. thimble-rigging was only known later to be enjoyed by himself only, or by persons deputed by him; such privilege in nowise to extend to the lords justices, but only to exist during the actual residence and presence of the Lord Lieutenant himself.” See the Act.

Hillo, what is that? A gun from the lugger, by the hookey! They have made us out, and don't like the look of us, apparently, so they have fired a gun to wake up the people aboard the prize. Ha! now they have seen us aboard the big ship too, and are taking in their stunsails, to haul to the wind, I suppose.

"Pull off yo' coat, Archie B.," said the Deacon, "I'm gwinter lick you fur gamblin'." "Pull off yo' coat, Archie B.," said his mother, "I'm goin' to lick you fur playin' hookey." "Pull it off, Archie B.," said his sister bossily, "I'm goin' to stan' by an' see." Archie B. pulled off his coat deliberately.

The air oppressed him like a leaden shroud, and the energies of his soul seemed for once on the point of sinking beneath the superincumbent burden. Turn we now to Jonathan Hookey, the barber. In person he differed much from Merton.

After he was gone she put the silver carefully away and interviewed the hero, as often before, with a shingle. "Not only for playing hookey," she said; "but for going into the water at all." The little fellow rescued that day is Thomas McCaffery, now a member of the Alleghany City Fire Department. Many years afterwards he gave Paul a gold medal in remembrance of their first meeting.

"We've simply got to get that leave from our parents!" "But how?" challenged Dan. "That's what we've got to think out right now. And, by hookey! I believe I have an idea. Fellows, we have ten dollars apiece." "My mother will say that I must put that in bank," grunted Dan. "Wait! Of course, with ten dollars apiece, we've got to consult our parents as to how the money is to be spent," Dick went on.

She ain't the kind of girl to keep anything back from us; at least, if she is, she's changed a heap since she came away to school. She's told us about his comin' here and about you and him and her goin' to that what-d'ye-call-it hookey game. She wrote all about that 'way last February." "Yes, we did go to the hockey game. Samuel, my cousin John Keith's boy, played in it.

Kitey Graves, has announced that I will entertain the company with a song; though nothing, I assure you hem could be farther from my idea hem when my excellent friend asked me," "Hookey Walker!" exclaimed someone who had heard Jemmy declare the same thing half a dozen times "and, indeed, ladies and gentlemen hem nothing but the werry great regard I have for Mr.

He hugged little Pincher close in his arms, soothing him with pet names; for the poor dog continued to moan. "O, dear, dear!" cried Peter, "don't you feel awfully?" "I don't stop to think of my feelings," replied Horace, shortly. "Well, I wish we hadn't come I do." "So do I, Peter. I won't play 'hookey' again; but I'm not a-goin' to cry."