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C. Pompilius Cerialis, who seems to have held only one other office, that of praefect to Drusus Caesar in an army legion, was duovir iure dicundo quinquennalis in Volaterrae. M. Oppius Capito was not only quinquennalis twice at Auximum, patron of that and another colony, but he was patron of the municipium of Numana, and also quinquennalis. Q. Octavius L.f.

Calvus, who had been aedile and quattuorvir at Teate Marrucinorum, was given the quinquennial rights, it was of such importance that it needed especial mention, and that such mention was made by a decree of the city senate, shows clearly that such a method of getting a quinquennalis was out of the ordinary.

M. Holconius Celer was a priest of Augustus, and with no previous city offices is mentioned as quinquennalis-elect, which can perhaps as well mean nominated by the emperor, as designated by the popular vote. P. Sextilius Rufus, aedile twice in Nola, is quinquennalis in Pompeii.

Q. Laronius was a quinquennalis at Vibo Valentia by order of the senate, which again shows the irregularity of the choice. M. Traesius Faustus was quinquennalis of Potentia, but died an inhabitant of Atinae in Lucania. M. Alleius Luccius Libella, who was aedile and duovir in Pompeii, was not elected quinquennalis, but made praefectus quinquennalis, which implies appointment.

At Tibur, in Hadrian's time, a L. Minicius L.f. Gal. Natalis Quadromius Verus, who had held offices previously in Africa, in Moesia, and in Britain, was made quinquennalis maximi exempli.

In Gabii a decree in honor of the house of Domitia Augusta was passed in the year when there were quinquennales. In addition to the fact that the emperors were sometimes chosen quinquennales, the consuls were too. M'. Acilius Glabrio, consul ordinarius of 152 A.D., was made patron of Tibur and quinquennalis designatus.

There is also in Tibur an inscription to a certain Q. Pompeius Senecio, etc. A Roman knight, C. Aemilius Antoninus, was first quinquennalis, then patronus municipii at Tibur.

In what municipal fasti we have, we find no quinquennalis whose name appears at all previously in the list of city officials.

As he was chosen by the old inhabitants of Nola to their senate, this would show that he belonged probably to the new settlers in the colony introduced by Augustus, and for some reason was called over also to Pompeii to take the quinquennial office. M. Barronius Sura went directly to quinquennalis without being aedile or quaestor, in Aquinum.

The name of C. Dindius appears twice also, once with the office of aedile, but two years later seemingly as aedile again, which must be a mistake. M. Cominius Bassus is made quinquennalis by order of the senate, and also made praefect for Germanicus and Drusus Caesar in their quinquennial year. He is not found in any other inscription, and is otherwise unknown.