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Balbilla escorted her, and Florus betook himself to the "Olympian table," the famous eating-house kept by Lycortas, of whom he had been told wonders by the epicures at Rome. When Verus was alone with his wife he went up in a friendly manner and said: "May I drive you home again?" Domitia Lucilla had thrown herself on a couch, and covered her face with her hands, and she made no reply.

Domitian indeed, though he persecuted the Jews, and laid new fiscal burdens upon them, punished the accusers of Josephus, and made his estate in Judea tax-free, and the Emperor's wife, Domitia, also showed him kindness. But perhaps the amazing and pathetic servility of the Life is to be explained by fear of the vainglorious despot, whose hand was heavy on all intellectual work.

But he died when his son Nero was three years of age. He was left to the care of his father’s sister, Domitia Lepida, the mother of Messalina, and was by her neglected. His first tutors were a dancer and a barber. On the return of his mother from exile his education was more in accordance with his rank, as a prince of the blood, though not in the line of succession.

Wife is a solemn title of honor and has nothing to do with the joys of life. How could I mention your name in the same hour with those of the poor children who help me to beguile an idle hour." Domitia Lucilla was used to such phrases, and yet on this occasion they gave her a pang.

By what hypocritical conduct was he distinguished? To whom was he particularly terrible? What terrific ceremonies did he invent on one occasion? Was the result fatal to them? Did not his cruelties become still more insupportable at the latter part of his reign? Who was among the number that he at the same time caressed and suspected? Whose name did Domitia discover among his list of victims?

For this purpose a belt of coast from the Alps to the Rhone, from 1 to 1 3/4 of a mile in breadth, was handed over to the Massiliots, who already had a series of maritime stations along this coast, with the obligation of keeping the road in proper condition; while from the Rhone to the Pyrenees the Romans themselves laid out a military highway, which obtained from its originator Ahenobarbus the name of the -Via Domitia-.

But Domitia solemnly denied it on oath; which she would never have done, had there been any truth in the report; nay, she would certainly have gloried in it, as she was forward enough to boast of all her scandalous intrigues.

Wife is a solemn title of honor and has nothing to do with the joys of life. How could I mention your name in the same hour with those of the poor children who help me to beguile an idle hour." Domitia Lucilla was used to such phrases, and yet on this occasion they gave her a pang.

"Do not you think Domitia Lucilla, that she ought to allow your husband to be of service to her?" "If the Empress thinks it right and fitting," replied the lady raising her shoulders, and with an expressive movement of her hands.

Trajan's ashes were laid to rest in an urn of gold under his monumental column. Hadrian determined to raise a new tomb for himself and his successors, and, like Augustus, selected a site on the green and shady banks of the Tiber, not on the city side, however, but in the gardens of Domitia, which, with those of Agrippina, formed a crown property called by Tacitus "Nero's Gardens."