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If dogmatics begin with the latter, some form or other of the stiff and wooden doctrines of concursus, of influxus ordinarius and extraordinarius usually develops with many other subtleties, which are nothing more than attempts to formulate the divine influence in finite terms, and to think of it as a force along with other forces.

So I changed the subject, and, like a conscientious family physician, I questioned her about her health. My questions were purely professional, and she gave her answers in confidence, as patients usually answer the questions of their ordinarius. I advised her as to the best way of avoiding inconveniences connected with her present condition, and so on.

See Cat. Plut. C. 1; Cat. M. §§ 18, 32: Cato himself ap. Fest. s.v. ordinarius says quid mihi fieret si non ego stipendia in ordine omnia ordinarius meruissem semper? If Plutarch may be trusted, Cato at the age of 30 had won for himself the title of 'the Roman Demosthenes'. In § 10 Cicero makes the quaestorship fall in 205, but he refers to the election, not to the actual year of office.

In Gabii a decree in honor of the house of Domitia Augusta was passed in the year when there were quinquennales. In addition to the fact that the emperors were sometimes chosen quinquennales, the consuls were too. M'. Acilius Glabrio, consul ordinarius of 152 A.D., was made patron of Tibur and quinquennalis designatus.