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She played at gaiety for his sake, but her heart was heavy with foreboding. "And the filigree basket shall be divided between you and Pundita, Kit." "Give it all to her, father. I have begun to hate what men call precious stones." "It shall be as you say; but we may all take a handful as a keepsake." Two days later the expedition was ready to start. They intended to pick up Ahmed on the way.

We must search Umballa's house thoroughly. I wish to see Ramabai and Pundita in the shadow of their rights. Can't destroy a document offhand and make a new one without legally destroying the first. Well, let us be getting back to the bungalow. We'll talk it over there." At the bungalow everything was systematically being prepared for the homeward journey.

As the iron door changed upon the sill Colonel Hare leaned against the pillar and closed his eyes, praying silently. At the bungalow Pundita fell at Kathlyn's feet and kissed them. "Mem-sahib!" she cried brokenly. "Pundita!" Kathlyn stooped and gathered her up in her arms. After that Ramabai would have died for her under any torture.

She was rather dizzy over the success of her inspiration. A few days might pass without harm; but sooner or later they would discover that she had tricked them; and then, the end. But before that hour arrived they would doubtless find some way of leaving the city secretly. That it would be many days ere Pundita wore the crown trust the priests to spread the meshes of red tape!

Besides, one of them watched Winnie constantly, because the bearded scoundrel had attracted her fancy and because she hoped to enchain his. So the note from Kathlyn did not pass unnoticed, though Winnie believed that she was without espionage. Kathlyn, her father, Bruce, Ramabai and Pundita met at the colonel's bungalow, and with Ahmed's help they thrashed out the plan to rescue Winnie.

He came upon the scene only after the murderer had fled. They were fighting about me," naively. "I was afraid to tell till now." "Knock off those chains," said Kathlyn. Of Pundita she asked: "Does he, too, speak English?" "Yes, heaven born." "Then for the present he shall become my bodyguard. You shall both remain here in the palace." "Ah, Your Majesty!" interposed Umballa.

Allaha surrendered; and Umballa came forth. All this happened so quickly that not even a rumor of it reached the colonel's bungalow till it was too late. They were to have left on the morrow. The king dead, only a few minor technicalities stood an the way of Ramabai and Pundita.

She reached the door of the rest house just as the pack, a large one, came into view, heads down, tails streaming. Pundita, who was at the fire preparing the noon meal, seized Kathlyn by the arm and hurried her into the house, barricading the door. The wolves, arriving, flung themselves against it savagely. But the door was stout, and only a battering-ram in human hands could have made it yield.

My lord is dead, and I wish to follow!" As the latter's eyes opened wildly Winnie heard a pounding at the door. She flung open the door. "Pundita?" cried the man. Winnie caught him by the sleeve and dragged him into the chamber. "Highness," he cried, "he lives!" And he recounted the startling events of the morning. "They live!" cried Pundita, and covered her face.

The next morning while the council and Umballa were in session relative as to what should be done with Kathlyn in the event of her refusal to bend, two soldiers entered, bringing with them a beautiful native young woman, one Pundita, wife of Ramabai, found in murder. Umballa wiped his betel stained lips and salaamed mockingly.