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The colonel followed, while Bruce took upon his own shoulders the duties of mahout. Pundita got into the other howdah and Ramabai imitated Bruce. The elephants shuffled off, away from the river. For the time being neither Bruce nor Ramabai gave mind to the compass. To make pursuit impossible was the main business just then.

Ramabai suddenly faced the moon and stared long and silently at the brilliant planet. In his mind there was conflict, war between right and ambition. He seemed to have forgot those about him, waiting anxiously for him to speak. "Ramabai," said Ahmed craftily, "at a word from you a thousand armed men will spring into existence and within twelve hours set Pundita on yonder throne.

A few moments later Ramabai addressed the assemblage. "Bala Khan is hostile, but only for the sake of his friends. He lays down this law, however obey it or disobey it. The Colonel Sahib and his daughters are to go free, to do what they please with the treasure. Pundita, according to the will of the late king, shall be crowned." The high priest held up his hand for silence.

After all, why should we wait?" "Even so!" "What is all this about?" inquired Kathlyn. "Allaha is weary of Umballa's iron heel, weary of a vacillating council. And the time has arrived when the two must be abolished. A thousand men await the turn of my hand. And who has a better right to the throne of Allaha than Pundita, my wife?" "Good!" cried Kathlyn, her eyes sparkling. "Good!

The dreaming man seated at a table came out of his dream with a start. A servant ran to the gate. "Who calls?" demanded Ramabai, suspicious, as all conspirators ever are. "It is I, Bruce," was the reply in English, flinging aside his burnoose. "Bruce Sahib? Open!" cried Ramabai. "What do you here? Have you found her?" Ramabai's wife, Pundita, came from the house. She recognized Bruce immediately.

"You shall go, Pundita," said Ramabai; "and Durga Ram shall choke between these two hands if he harms a hair of your head." "And now to bed," said Ahmed. Well for Kathlyn that she had not the gift of clairvoyance. At the precise moment she put her head upon the pillow her father was writhing under the lash; but never a sound came from his lips. Kit was free. Kit was free!

The catafalque of the dead king rested upon the royal platform. Two troopers stood below; otherwise the platform was deserted. When Ramabai and Pundita arrived and mounted the platform to pay their last respects to a kindly man, the soldiers saluted gravely, even sorrowfully.

The chief called to his men to seize Ramabai and Pundita, when Kathlyn interfered. "Go, Ramabai; it is useless to fight against these men who mean all they say, and who are as cruel as the tiger himself." "It shall be as the Mem-sahib says," replied Ramabai resignedly. One morning Umballa entered the judgment hall of the palace, disturbed in mind.

The populace howled and cheered about her palanquin to the very gates. Not in many a big rain had they had such excitement. The fury in Umballa's heart might have disquieted Bruce had he known of its existence. Kathlyn, arriving in her chamber, flung herself down upon her cushions and lay there like one dead, nor would she be comforted by the worshiping Pundita.