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All we ask is that you abide with us till you have legally selected your successor." "Who shall be Pundita," said Kathlyn resolutely. The chief priest salaamed again. The movement cost him nothing. Once Bala Khan was back in his city and this white woman out of the country, he would undertake to deal with Ramabai and Pundita.

More than this, he declared that Pundita, the wife of Ramabai, should ultimately rule; for of a truth the principality was lawfully hers. He would make his will at once, but in order that this should be legal he would have to destroy the previous will he had given to Colonel Hare, his friend. "Forgive me, my friend," he said. "I acted unwisely in your case.

"That I promise, Pundita, though I have no love for Allaha." "We will go with you to the coast," said Ramabai, "and on our return to Allaha will see what has become of the faithful Ahmed." "For that my thanks," responded the colonel. "Ahmed has been with me for many years, and has shared with me many hardships. If he lives, he will be a marked man, so far as Umballa is concerned.

Rubies and pearls and emeralds, and a far country to idle in, to be feted in, to be fawned upon for his riches! And Ramabai and his wife, Pundita, let them beware; let them remain wisely in their house and meddle not with affairs of state. "A thousand rupees!" Umballa looked up with a start. Unconsciously he had wandered into the slave mart.

"Not in case of my death. And in Allaha the elder document is always the legal document, unless it is legally destroyed. It is not well to antagonize the priests, who hold us firmly to this law. I might make a will in favor of Pundita, but it would not legally hold in justice if all previous wills were not legally destroyed. You must find this document."

"She is right," averred Pundita. "A woman can do more at this moment than a hundred men. I will go, Mem-sahib; and, more, I will bring him back." "But if he should hold you as a hostage?" suggested the harried Ahmed. "What then?" "What will be will be," answered Pundita with oriental philosophy.

You will be questioned. Tell the truth. There is not an elephant in the royal stables that can beat Rajah. All aboard! No stops!" smiling as he helped Kathlyn into the howdah. "We shall be forced to ride all night." The elephants started forward, that ridden by Bruce and Kathlyn in the lead, Ramabai and Pundita following a few yards in the rear. "Mr.

Ramabai, for his courage, his honesty and justice, was their man; but they no longer dared serve him, since it would be at the expense of their own lives. "My Lord!" whispered Pundita, pressing Ramabai's hand. "Courage!" For Pundita understood the man at her side. Had he been honorless, she would this day be wearing a crown. "Pundita, they hissed us as we passed." "Not the soldiers, my Lord."

You will tell him that you are ready to lead him to my hiding-place." "No, Miss Kathlyn; that will not do at all," declared Bruce emphatically. To this Ahmed agreed with a slow shake of the head. "Let me finish," said Kathlyn. "You will tell him, Pundita, that he must come alone. He will promise, but by some sign or other he will signify to his men to follow. Well, the guard may follow.

For Kedgaon is the home, and center of the work, of Pundita Ramabai, perhaps the most learned, and certainly the most influential Christian woman in India. The very name pundita is given only to those of high intellectual attainments.