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Pundita Ramabai has become a glory to her own countrymen, as much as has Rabindranath Tagore by his utterance, "The regeneration of the Indian people to my mind, directly and perhaps solely, depends upon the removal of this condition of caste." We may add that the dominion of caste and the degradation of woman will come to an end together, and nothing but Christianity will abolish them.

Kathlyn was almost as dark as Pundita, and as for Bruce, only his European dress distinguished him from Ramabai, for there was scarcely a shade difference in color. But the colonel, having been weeks in prison, was as pale as alabaster and his hair shone like threads of silver.

"Since you will not bend, break!" he said, and left the chamber, cold with fury. Kathlyn sank weakly upon her pillows as Pundita ran to her side. "What shall I do, Pundita?" "God knows, Mem-sahib!" "Are you a Christian?" "Yes." And so they comforted each other. There was a garden in the palace grounds, lovely indeed. A fountain tinkled and fat carp swam about in the fluted marble basin.

They perfectly understood that they could not remain in the house more than a few hours; for Umballa would surely send his men everywhere, and quite possibly first of all to Ramabai's. Still, Ramabai did not appear very much alarmed. There were secret stairways in his house that not even Pundita knew; and at a pinch he had a plan by which he could turn away investigation.

The men sent Pundita back to camp, and the actual warfare began. They approached the gate, demanding to be allowed to pass. The soldiers refused. Instantly the keepers flung themselves furiously upon the soldiers. The trooper who held the key threw it over the wall just before he was overpowered. But Ahmed had come prepared.

There were trellises of flowers, too. Persian roses, despite the fact that it was still winter. It was called the garden of brides. Kathlyn, attended by Pundita, awaited there the coming of Umballa and the council. Her heart ached with bitterness and she could not think clearly. The impression that all this was some dreadful nightmare recurred to her vividly.

And on making inquiries it was learned that a tiger had been prowling about for three or four nights, and that they had set a trap cage for the brute. The colonel and Bruce at once assumed charge. The old zest returned with all its vigor and allurement. Even Kathlyn and Pundita decided to join the expedition, though Pundita knew nothing of arms.

"This is a good opportunity to get you away also." Ahmed nodded approvingly. Pundita kissed her husband; for these two loved each other, a circumstance almost unknown in this dark mysterious land of many gods. "Pundita, you will remain at the camp in readiness to receive us. At dawn we shall leave for the frontier. And when we return it will be with might and reprisal.

Listen. Pundita, you shall return to the city. Two men will accompany you to the gate. You will enter alone in the early morning." Pundita drew close to her husband. "You will seek Umballa and play traitor. You will pretend to betray me." "No, no, Mem-sahib!" "Listen. You will demand to see him alone. You will say that you are jealous of me.

I know priests who are more than a hundred years old, and wrinkled like the bride of Hathi, the god of elephants." "But a child could see through all this rigmarole." "Can Bruce Sahib?" Again Ramabai smiled. "My people are sometimes children in that they need constant amusement. Have patience, my friend; for I understand. Do I not love Pundita even as you love the Mem-sahib?"